Webflow vs Squarespace: which is the best page builder?

Do you need to create a website? Do you want to redesign your existing website? There are many ways to develop a site today and page builders are one of them. These revolutionary tools for web development offer endless creative possibilities. Webflow and Squarespace are two page builders that you could choose to develop your site. Which one to choose? We explain everything to you!

What is a page builder?

A page builder, which is translated into French as page builder, is an online tool that allows you to develop website pages without coding. Page builders are numerous and very popular because they make website development much more accessible. Thanks to its no-code tools, there is no need to go through a full stack developer who is often expensive and popular to create a site. In the list of the most popular page builders, we find: Webflow, Elementor, Divi, Squarespace, Wix, and more! For example, thanks to a specialized Webflow agency, a freelance expert on Webflow or advanced training on this platform precisely, it is possible to develop an ultra-professional, design and dynamic site.

What is Webflow?


As seen earlier, Webflow is one of the most popular page builders. This no code tool allows you to create responsive websites without having to write a single line of code. Webflow is a powerful tool for site development and design. You can create a professional and perfectly functional site thanks to Webflow.

If you need a website to grow your business but don't want to hear about code or programming, Webflow is the perfect platform for you. With Webflow, you can create responsive websites, online stores, landing pages, all using a graphical interface based on the principle of drag and drop.

Attention, during the comparison we will see that the platform is not necessarily accessible to all users.

What is Squarespace?

Squarespace in turn is a popular no-code page builder that allows users to create and launch professional-looking websites with no coding or programming experience.

It too is a platform based on a simple drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to add content, modify layouts, and customize designs. Squarespace also offers a wide range of pre-made website templates to choose from, so you can start creating a professional-looking website in no time.

Whether you're a small business owner or a freelancer, Squarespace is a platform you can use to create a website that reflects your brand and helps you grow your business.

Webflow vs Squarespace: ease of use

Webflow and Squarespace are two of the most popular page builders out there. They both offer a wide range of features and templates, making them great options for anyone looking to create a website.

However, when it comes to interface and ease of use, there are major differences between the two platforms.


Webflow is easy to use but has a more robust interface, with more options and customization options than Squarespace. However, this can also be seen as a disadvantage, as the interface can be overwhelming for some users. That is why it is sometimes better to call on a Webflow consultant to develop a powerful site thanks to the numerous functionalities.


Squarespace, on the other hand, has a simpler and easier to use interface. On the other hand, the platform offers fewer customization options and advanced settings to make your site truly unique.

Webflow vs Squarespace: Comparison of features


When it comes to features, Webflow wins hands down. With Webflow, you can design and create a fully customized website without having to write any code. You have total control over the design and interactivity of your site and you can use Webflow's visual editor to make changes to your design.


Squarespace, on the other hand, offers less control over the design of your website. You can use Squarespace's pre-built templates and tools to create a website, but you'll need to use code to customize your website beyond the basics. That means if you want to create a truly unique website, Squarespace isn't the best platform.

Webflow vs Squarespace: How much do page builders cost?

Now let's look at the prices. Webflow offers a free version to test the platform and publish a site with a webflow.io domain name and then offers a monthly subscription that starts at $18/month. There is also an annual subscription starting at $14/month. Squarespace offers a monthly subscription starting at $15/month and similarly to Webflow, there is an annual subscription starting at $11/month. So when it comes to pricing, Webflow is a bit more expensive, but it offers more features to make its site unique and original.

Webflow vs Squarespace conclusion: pros and cons

Benefits of Webflow

- You have total control over the design of your site.

- Webflow is ideal for complex, custom designs.

- You can export your site code for use elsewhere.

Cons of Webflow

- The learning curve can be long for users who want to learn about the platform.

- Creating a complex site can take a long time.

Squarespace benefits

- Squarespace is very easy to use.

- You can create a professional looking site

- Squarespace offers great customer support.

Cons of Squarespace

- You have less control over the design of your site.

- Squarespace can be more expensive than other simple page builders.

Are you looking for a Webflow agency? Discover the Scroll agency!

Are you still hesitating about creating your website? At Scroll, we support you in the development of your site on Webflow. Our experts form theWebflow agency dedicated to the creation of hyper-qualitative sites on Webflow! Do you need a site starting from scratch? A redesign? We are here to design solutions that meet your expectations. So if you have a project, do not hesitate, contact us!

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