No-code developer: why use Scroll developers?

Do you want to develop a website to give visibility to your business? Today, there are many ways to design a site. Design platforms are multiplying, so are technologies and it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. One of the possibilities available to you is to call on no-code developers. Up to date, they will certainly be able to meet your needs in record time. Find out why you should use the no-code developers at Scroll agency.

What is a no-code developer?

What is no-code?

No-code is a movement that advocates the development of sites and applications without code. That is, developers don't use programming languages to create applications. Instead, they use visual tools to assemble applications that automatically generate code.

No-code is a relatively new approach, but it's growing in popularity. Of numerous no-code platforms have emerged in recent years and they allow developers to create solutions such as sites or applications more quickly and without having to learn or use code.

In the same way as no-code, you may have already heard of low-code. This can work hand in hand with no-code but has some differences. To properly distinguish between the two, do not hesitate to read our article: No-code/low-code: understand and differentiate these solutions to derive benefits.

The no-code developer

A no-code developer is a person who develops solutions like applications, websites, and more without having to write code. They use no-code tools that are highly visual to create interfaces and interactions, and that often rely on drag-and-drop to assemble solutions.

At Scroll, no-code developers are numerous and train The no-code agency, a team made up of no-code experts ready to discuss your project to support you in its development.

What is the difference between a no-code developer and a full-stack developer?

A no-code developer is different from a full-stack developer because they generally don't know how to code. However, he is an expert in using no-code tools. Full-stack developers are experts in programming languages and can therefore create applications and websites coded from A to Z but do not especially have knowledge of no-code tools.

Generally speaking, no-code developers are faster at setting up applications and websites than full-stack developers. Indeed, they have to code all the functionalities of the application or the site, which takes more time.

No-code developers are cheaper than full-stack developers because they don't need any special programming knowledge. Full-stack developers are generally more expensive because they have deep expertise in code and programming languages and there are fewer of them on the market.

In which cases should you call on a no-code developer?

No-code developers don't stop at using a single tool. A good no-code developer masters a set of no-code tools to offer you the best possible solutions. In this case, he can help you develop a website thanks to a no-code CMS, design a web or mobile application thanks to Best no-code app-builder or even meet your CRM needs and create automation solutions using specific no-code tools.

No-code can help you increase your visibility, get your business off the ground, launch your start-up or to improve your productivity!

The advantages of using a no-code developer Scroll

More accessible than code

No-code is much more accessible than traditional development. You don't need to be an IT expert to understand the development of a no-code site or application. All you need is an idea of what you want to create and a bit of training time to successfully manage a few features on your end. At Scroll, no-code developers are responsible for training you so that you can make simple changes to your application or site once your solution is developed.

Flexibility for your needs

At Scroll, no-code developers adapt to all your needs! The power of the various tools they have mastered allows them to create solutions for all tastes. Whether you want to develop a very simple one-page site or a complex and dynamic application, they can help you. In addition, our developers are up to date and informed of the latest trends to create design and up-to-date solutions.

Save time

No-code is much faster than traditional development. A no-code developer can create a site or application in hours or days, rather than weeks or months for a traditional developer who codes. Plus, you don't need to spend time looking for experienced code developers who are highly sought after in the market.

Save money

Who says less working time also means fewer days invoiced by Scroll! On average, the speed of design of no-code developers allows you to save twice as much as using a traditional developer who codes.

Using a Scroll no-code developer means saving time and money, and developing a solution that fully meets your expectations and in which you can invest!

Some achievements of no-code Scroll developers

- Virgil : Virgil, a real estate co-investment company, wanted to modernize its site. Virgil and Scroll therefore decided to join forces to make their site more attractive and dynamic for their customers.

- Insitu : Insitu contacted our agency for a complete redesign of their website. Insitu offers image professionals extraordinary locations in France and other European countries for filming, photo shoots or events.

- Roof : Roof is a start-up. His project is to transform conventional housing into student residences. Roof and Scroll together developed a web application for this project. This application was then used by the start-up to present its project and find funding.

Scroll supports you in your no-code project

Our agency Scroll is an expert in no-code tools. Our no-code developers master the best solutions on the market, such as Webflow, Bubble, Airtable or Make, in order to create tailor-made solutions for you that meet all your needs. Trust us to create the solution that fits your needs perfectly. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

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