Webflow vs Bubble: the match of two no-code tools

The time has come to create your website! Are you opting for development via a no-code platform but you can't decide which of the best tools we recommend? Webflow or Bubble? Which one best fits your project? These two no-code tools each have their pros and cons. We explain everything to you!

Webflow and Bubble: two no-code tools

Webflow and Bubble are two very popular no-code tools. Surely you have already heard the term “no-code” without necessarily knowing what it really meant. Let's start by defining the terms that are important to get you started!

What is no-code?

No-code is a new web development method that consists in designing digital solutions without writing a single line of code. Programming knowledge is not necessary to develop in no-code. No-code development is done via various platforms that generally offer graphical and visual interfaces. And to make the design as easy as possible, many of them are based on the principle of drag-and-drop (drag-and-drop) of preconstructed elements, which simply need to be positioned and configured. The majority of platforms also offer a large number of templates to help get started.

No-code considerably improves the accessibility of web development by allowing no-code developers to create digital solutions without code knowledge.

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a no-code web development platform where users can create robust, dynamic, and ultra-personalized websites without having to write a single line of code. On Webflow, you can design unique websites using a drag-and-drop graphical user interface. The platform offers a number of Templates, animations, and predefined features that can be used to quickly develop the look, feel, and overall dynamics of your site.

For users who want to create complex and personalized websites without hearing about code, Webflow is one of the best platforms. All you need to develop a professional site on the platform isa Webflow expert !

To give you an idea, when it comes to websites, users frequently compare Webflow vs Wordpress, which you probably already know.

What is Bubble?

Bubble.io is a no-code app-builder. With the tool, users can easily design and develop web applications. In line with the vision of no-code, Bubble allows users to create web applications without having to learn to code.

Bubble was launched in 2012 by a group of businessmen and engineers who were dissatisfied with the conventional web development process. They sought to develop a platform that would allow users to create websites without knowing how to code.

Bubble is a visual platform that makes it easy to build web applications without code. As with many no-code tools, on Bubble, the design is done using the drag-and-drop principle. Users can design and develop web sites and applications without having any programming experience.

Webflow vs Bubble: the differences

The functionalities

Webflow offers many functionalities but aims to be a CMS (content management system). Therefore, it offers very interesting tools for managing content directly on the site but it does not natively offer an integrated database or member area. Despite this, it allows you to create very advanced designs with animations and responsiveness unequalled by no-code tools.

On the other hand, Bubble offers some functionalities similar to Webflow but also has a powerful workflow function that allows interactivities to be combined to create behavior similar to that of native applications. Bubble also has integrated user management, unlike Webflow.


The numerous functionalities and creation possibilities make Webflow and Bubble two tools that are sometimes complicated to use at first glance. Unfortunately, too much simplicity of use is always accompanied by a reduction in functionalities, which these two very popular tools for power cannot afford.

By working more deeply on the platforms we notice that Webflow is slightly easier to use than Bubble. Webflow is more intuitive and makes it easier to achieve your goals. But be careful, let's not forget that these two tools are no-code tools and that they are in any case much easier to learn than any programming language needed to code a site (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.). If you want to save time while being integrated into the project, you can turn to our Webflow consultants, who are responsible for developing your site and quickly training you on certain points of the platforms. And in both cases, the platforms offer training content directly on their site.

The connection with other tools

When it comes to connecting Webflow and Bubble with other tools in order to create complementary tools or data flows between your site and other tools, the winner is Bubble.

Both platforms allow the connection with Zapier but it is simpler and less limited with Bubble than with Webflow.

The price

Webflow and Bubble offer a very different pricing system.

For Bubble, it's pretty easy. The platform highlights four different options, each of which offers increasingly important limits of use. The first option is free, ideal for users who want to explore the platform, then the options range from $25/month to $475/month for the needs of large businesses.

At Webflow, pricing is a bit different and can sometimes seem complicated. The platform offers two types of pricing, one at the site level and one at the account level. In the case where you create a single site, you turn to site rates, but in case you manage several sites then you will turn to account rates. Don't worry, if you work with our Webflow agency, we support you in all the steps.

Webflow vs Bubble: when should you use them?

Why choose Webflow?

If you want to develop a designer and original website simply to highlight your business and your products or services then choose Webflow. The tool will allow you to create an attractive, fast and well-referenced website.

Why Bubble?

If you are looking to create a website to interact with users as easily on desktop as on mobile, if you want to create a member area on your site, or integrate a database, then turn to Bubble.

Webflow vs Bubble: Examples of achievements

Virgil, a solution developed by Scroll with Webflow

A real estate co-investment firm called Virgil wanted to update their website. The mission of the company is to enable those whose ability to buy real estate is limited to do so (especially young adults). To do this, Virgile can co-invest up to 20% of the purchase price. Virgil and Scroll teamed up to make the Virgil company site more attractive and dynamic for customers.

Discover the Scroll x Virgil case with Webflow

Bluelink, a solution developed by Scroll with Bubble

30 years ago, to oversee its rewards program, Air France created BlueLink, a global group of experts in customer relationship management. The company then grew independently by providing services to help businesses manage relationships with customers. This year, Bluelink is celebrating its 30th anniversary, and to commemorate this milestone, the company has chosen to build an ephemeral messaging platform with Scroll.

Discover the Scroll x Bluelink case with Bubble

Scroll, accompanies you on Webflow and Bubble

Whether you need to develop a website on Webflow or on Bubble, at Scroll we are there for you! Our no-code experts train The Webflow agency and The Bubble agency and are at your disposal to create with you the site of your dreams that perfectly meets your needs. We master the most popular no-code platforms on the market to guarantee you tailor-made and quality solutions! Do not hesitate to contact us!

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