No-Code Maker: the no-code developers

Do you have a project but you don't know where to turn to develop it? No need to look for a traditional developer anymore! At Scroll, no-code makers are there for you! Thanks to them we created The no-code agency that brings your projects to life. Who are the no-code makers really? We tell you everything!

What is a no-code maker?

No-code: definition

No-code is a movement that advocates the development of applications, sites and tools without code. No-code makers use graphical tools to design and assemble solutions without having to write a line of code.

No-code was popularized by platforms like Webflow and Squarespace, which allowed millions of people to create websites without any coding knowledge. No-code makers now have the ability to create complex sites and applications without having to learn code.

To find out more about no-code, read our article No-code: what is no-code?

No-code maker: definition

A no-code maker is a person who creates tools, sites, and applications without having to write code. He uses no-code platforms visual and intuitive to assemble its applications, allowing it to focus on product design and logic, rather than programming.

No-code makers are experts in no-code but are not necessarily experts in code like traditional developers.

Why use a no-code maker?

There are several reasons why you should consider hiring a no-code maker to help you develop your project.

First of all, no-code allows you to develop your project much more quickly than if you had to develop everything yourself or through a traditional developer. Second, no-code allows you to focus on what's important for your project, namely your design and content, rather than worrying about code. Finally, no-code allows you to easily share your project with other members of your team or collaborators, which is ideal if you work in a team.

If you are considering developing a project, whether simple or complex, no-code is a great option to consider. No-code makers are experts in their field and can help you develop your project quickly and easily.

The advantages of using a no-code maker

There are many advantages of using a no-code maker. Here are the 5 most important ones:

Design time

No-code makers are able to develop applications and solutions more quickly because they don't have to write code. This allows them to focus on setting up and assembling pre-built components, which is faster than coding from scratch.

The cost

No-code makers are experts who have a thorough knowledge of no-code tools, which allows them to develop applications and websites quickly and efficiently. No-code developers are generally cheaper than traditional developers because the time required to develop solutions is significantly shorter.


No-code makers demonstrate flexibility at two different levels. First of all, they are very generally experts on different no-code platforms, this allows them to come up with complex solutions that have many functionalities. Then, thanks to the tools they use, they can easily modify solutions along the way according to your needs. No-code makers can adapt to many projects.


No-code makers are the new generation of developers who facilitate collaboration. They developed a new approach to code that allows non-developers to participate actively in solution development.

No-code makers facilitate collaboration by providing a centralized platform for teams. This allows teams to work together on projects and share files, tools, etc. By simplifying the development process, no-code makers also allow teams to focus on collaboration rather than technical tasks.

Simple project monitoring

No-code makers facilitate project monitoring by providing intuitive graphical tools to visualize and manage development elements. These tools allow teams to monitor project progress and identify potential issues, allowing for more effective communication and better collaboration.

The differences between a no-code maker and a full-stack developer

There is a fundamental difference between a no-code maker and a full-stack developer. Very generally, no-code makers don't know how to code, but they are experts in using no-code tools. Full-stack developers, on the other hand, are experts in programming languages and can therefore create applications and websites coded from start to finish.

No-code makers are generally faster at setting up applications and websites. Full-stack developers, on the other hand, tend to be slower because they have to code all of the application's features.

No-code makers are also cheaper than full-stack developers because they don't need any special programming knowledge. Full-stack developers, on the other hand, are generally more expensive because they have deep expertise in code and programming languages and there are fewer in the market.

Some examples of projects designed by no-code makers

- Virgil : Virgil is a real estate co-investment company that wanted to modernize their site. Virgil and Scroll have teamed up to make their site more dynamic and attractive to their customers.

- In situ : Insitu contacts the agency to redesign their website.

Insitu provides image professionals with extraordinary locations for: filming, photo shoots or events throughout France and in other European countries.

- Roof : Roof is a start-up. The project is to transform conventional housing into student residences. Roof and Scroll came into contact in order to develop a web application for their project. This web application was then used by the start-up to present their project and find investors.

Discover How no-code can help you launch your start-up.


Use the no-code makers at Scroll

Scroll is an expert agency in no-code tools. Our no-code makers master the best solutions on the market such as Webflow, Bubble, Airtable or Make to create, for you, tailor-made solutions that meet all your needs. Trust us to create the solution that will perfectly meet your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us to find out more!

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