The best no-code platforms: create your tools without coding

No-code is becoming more and more talked about and the tools to use it are more and more numerous. Some may be more interesting than others to meet your needs, whether simple or complex. At Scroll our No-code agency uses several platforms every day and we have selected 5 of them to present to you.

What is no-code?

No-code is a development approach based on the configuration and assembly of pre-built components instead of programming. This approach is for developers who want to design a site, An application or a specific tool without having to do programming.

No-code allows you to develop by dragging and dropping components and configuring them without having to write a single line of code.

Why do no-code?

No-code is a great option for businesses looking to develop online applications and services, without having to invest in the development of a traditional developer team. This approach allows businesses to focus on what they do best, while leaving it up to no-code developers to handle the technical part.

No-code platforms are also ideal for all businesses that don't have the resources or the desire to create a team of traditional developers in-house. With a bit of training, these platforms allow SMEs to develop online applications and services, allowing them to focus on their core business.

Finally, no-code is a particularly interesting approach for businesses looking to quickly develop simple and powerful applications.

Why are no-code platforms so popular?

The no-code concept created in the 2010s is popular because it allows developers to create increasingly powerful sites and applications without having to write a single line of code. This allows them to fully focus on designing the application and logic, rather than spending time writing code. Additionally, no-code platforms are generally easier to use than traditional coding platforms, making them much more accessible.

Finally, if no-code platforms are becoming more and more popular, it is because they have many advantages.

The advantages of using no-code platforms.

Among all the advantages that no-code platforms highlight, the most important are:

The simplicity of no-code platforms

No-code developers don't need programming knowledge to be able to create complex applications and websites. The platforms are designed to be intuitive and easy to use. They are very often based on the principle of drag and drop. With short training courses, it is possible to exploit no-code platforms very comprehensively.

The flexibility of no-code platforms

The rise of no-code platforms allows businesses to gain flexibility. Indeed, the platforms provide a wide range of functionalities and customization elements that meet all needs. They are also designed to easily modify projects, allowing businesses to quickly adapt their project to changing trends or needs.

The power of no-code platforms

No-code platforms are very powerful and allow complex projects to be completed. Depending on the needs, they can be used to create websites, web and mobile applications, automation tools and many more. The functionalities offered by the platforms are very numerous, follow trends and are not limited to a particular sector of activity. The power of no-code platforms is largely comparable to that of traditional code.


The simplicity of no-code platforms allows rapid implementation. Visually optimized interfaces and modules reduce the time required for numerous tasks. Changing an image, color, shape, font, font, adding content or animation requires only a few clicks before being published.

On no-code platforms it is possible to develop a website in just a few hours.

A reduced cost

Who says faster development also means fewer working days and therefore a lower cost. Indeed, the simplicity and speed of no-code allow developers to design projects more quickly and therefore cheaper compared to projects coded in a traditional way.

The best no-code platforms

No-code platforms are more and more numerous and allow all types of projects to be completed. At Scroll, we use them on a daily basis and we have selected the 5 best platforms for you:

Webflow: the one we use the most

The Webflow platform is a no-code CMS (Content Management System) that allows you to create websites and applications without having to code. You can use Webflow to create static websites, dynamic websites, web applications, mobile applications, and even desktop applications. Webflow is a very powerful platform that allows you to create complex websites and applications without having to write code.

Attention: The functionalities offered by Webflow are numerous, and some are very advanced. A no-code CMS does not mean that anyone can take charge of it. Learning can be quick for some people but it can also scare newbies.

The site of The Scroll agency is entirely developed on Webflow and we use it every day to bring our clients' projects to life. To offer you our services we have set up The Webflow agency. Thanks to our expertise on the platform, we develop great websites for you that meet your needs with top design, top SEO performance and top speed.

Bubble: our favorite app-builder

Bubble is a App-Builder No-Code which is being talked about a lot because of its complexity. It offers the creation of applications using the drag-and-drop principle in the same way as Webflow. The platform does not stop there and offers functionalities to build more powerful and more complex applications. Indeed, in addition to the visual aspect, it is possible to create logic within the pages. For example, thanks to the “workflows” on Bubble, it is possible to create interactivity within pages, to dynamize buttons, to create an authentication system. Since the use of “workflows” is very flexible, it is possible to create applications that are very different from each other.

Bubble is one of our main tools at Scroll, we use it daily. This is why, in the same way as for Webflow, we have set up The Bubble agency. Thanks to our perfect mastery of Bubble and our know-how in this field, we support our customers on various and varied achievements. We use the power of Bubble to offer new and custom-built applications, in record time.

Airtable to manage your databases

Like Excel, Airtable is a no-code platform that allows you to manage databases. You will find in the form of a template a wide choice of spreadsheets already created. To create a CRM-type application or any other application that requires cross-referencing data, Airtable is the ideal platform.

To give you an example of use, we created a tool for one of our customers that allows him to monitor the performance of each page of his website live.

The Scroll agency is an expert on the Airtable platform, which is why we set up theAirtable agency. Thanks to the Airtable tool, our no-code experts develop high-performance applications for you that allow you to manage all your customer data.

Make, automate!

Make (ex Integromat) is a no-code platform that allows users to create automations without having to write code. Automations created on Integromat can be shared with other users, allowing users to save time by automating repetitive tasks. Everything is very visual: when you work on Integromat, the applications you connect to each other are represented by circles or squares, and the connectors by lines.

To meet your needs and in the same way as for other platforms, we created at Scroll The Make agency. Our expertise in no-code coupled with the power of the Make tool allows us to create small automated jewels for you at affordable prices.

Project management concept

For project management, discover the Notion platform. Notion is a no-code platform that allows users to create web pages and applications. Users can add images, videos, text, and forms to their pages to collaborate together. Notion also offers a range of predefined templates, which can be customized by users.

Scroll supports you in your no-code projects

Scroll is an agency specialized in no-code tools. We master the best solutions on the market such as Webflow, Bubble, Airtable or Make to create, for our customers, tailor-made solutions that meet all their needs. Trust us to create the solution that will perfectly meet your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us to find out more!

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