Creating a VSE/SME website: how to do it?

The coronavirus crisis has shown us one thing: the need to have a digital presence is more necessary than ever for all businesses, including VSEs and SMEs. Online advertising, click and collect, or even simply creating a website: all these needs are becoming more and more important.

But all of this is expensive. Despite state aid, such as the digital check, not all businesses can afford such expenses. So how do you create the website of your VSE/SME? Scroll tells you everything: what elements to take into account, how to do it, and what tools to use to be as effective as possible!

VSE/SME website: what elements should you take into account?

The creation of a website for a VSE/SME must take into account certain specific elements. Indeed, a VSE or SME does not have the same resources as a large company or a large group, nor does it have the same needs. Each small business is different and has its own problems, but there are also some common ones. So here is the list of elements to take into account for the website of your VSE/SME.

The graphic charter

The first thing you need to think about is your graphic design. Although it is not as crucial as for the site of a start-up for example, it is still important for VSEs/SMEs. Indeed, most Internet users who visit a small business site do not buy online. Moreover, few VSEs/SMEs want to equip themselves with an e-commerce site. On the other hand, Internet users then tend to go to the physical location of the store, whether to buy in person, or to pick up an order.

Your graphic charter will therefore allow you to be easily recognized by your virtual customers, and will give them a feeling of security.

How to create the graphic charter of a VSE/SME? Designers will be able to help you. A good graphic charter should include three important elements: your logo, your colors, and your font. All these elements will allow your customers to recognize you and become familiar with your brand.

Showcase your services and products

Your website is a showcase of your business: it must therefore present who you are and what you do. Promote your products or services, sell your know-how. Your website should make your potential customers want to come to you and call on you.

If you sell products, you may also need to develop an e-commerce part. Internet users will then be able to buy directly online, and have them delivered to their home or pick up their order at the store.

Geolocation and referencing

The other very important aspect that your website should highlight is that of geolocation. Geolocation will serve two specific points.

The first is that it will help your customers find you. Please indicate your address on your website: your customers will be able to get there all the more easily. You can also use Google Maps to integrate a map on which your store is positioned: this will be very useful for your users.

The second point is natural referencing. VSEs and SMEs, to attract customers through digital technology, must use location-based searches. If you're a baker in a small town, you'll want to appear on queries like “baker + the name of your town.” This can be done by optimizing your website with geolocation elements. Also remember to register on internet directories in your region: this helps Google to make you appear in the right search results!

The price

How much does it cost to develop a site for a VSE/SME? Prices vary widely, but we know it: the budget issue is a central issue for small and medium-sized businesses.

The State has put in place numerous aids to help businesses develop digitally. The regions did the same. But despite this, website development agencies continue to offer prices that most VSEs/SMEs cannot afford. So how do you create a website at a low price?

By using Scroll! At Scroll, we use the no-code technology to create fully customized sites at a lower cost. In addition, we help you in all the steps to obtain financial aid for digitalization. The result: a professional, designer site, and at a lower cost!

Think mobile: create a responsive site

Most location-based searches are now done on mobile. Internet users search directly on the street for what they need, then go to the point of sale. The website of your VSE/SME must therefore be responsive, i.e. adapt to all screen sizes. Whether your customer is on a computer, tablet or mobile, you want them to have the best possible experience.

Tools like Webflow, which we use daily at Scroll, allow us to create fully responsive websites.

The tools to create the website of your VSE/SME

How to create the website of your VSE/SME? Now that we've seen the elements that should be on your site, it's time to put them in place. Overview.

Webflow: create a design and responsive site without having to code

Webflow is a tool that allows you to create, edit and put websites online without having to code. The subscription is quite affordable. While the tool requires a bit of handling, it is also much more intuitive than others. This makes it our preferred tool for creating websites.

It offers many features that are very practical for VSEs and SMEs. For example, you can change the texts on your site in a few clicks. Practical, if you need to announce a temporary closure.

You can also very simply set up an e-commerce part. Webflow brings in your products, your payment method, and you're ready to sell online!

Pixabay: an image bank for your site

When you are a small business or SME, you do not necessarily have the means to buy expensive original photographs. Be aware that there are free and royalty-free image banks online that you can use as you wish on your website.

However, we recommend that you do not use only images taken from image banks. Take photos of your premises, of your teams: your website must convey a feeling of familiarity and trust. The image banks will be used to help you out if necessary.

Google Ads: promote your website

Is your website not showing up in the search results you want? Don't worry: you can also use advertising to get noticed! Buy terms that are geolocated around you in Google Ads to appear when a user starts their search. You only pay if they click on your result.

Scroll, the website creation agency for VSEs/SMEs

Do you want to create the website of your small business or your SME? Scroll is here to help! We support many small businesses and help them develop their online visibility. Tell us about your problem: we will answer you, to study with you the possibilities and solutions that exist!

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