8 tips to increase the conversion rate of your site

The conversion rate of your site is an important indicator that allows you to measure the performance and relevance of your communication actions. On your site, it represents the proportion of visitors who have completed the desired action (conversion) in relation to the total number of visitors. For example, if out of 100 visitors to your site, only 2 make a purchase, your conversion rate is 2%. How to best optimize and increase the conversion rate of your website? We explain everything to you!

1- Improve UX to increase your conversion rate

First advice, if your conversion rate is low, you should optimize the UX of your site. If visitors aren't making a purchase on your site, it may be because the user journey isn't encouraging them to do so.

Have you already tested your site by putting yourself in the shoes of users?

Your site should be clear, intuitive and should not present obstacles when navigating. Conduct tests, gather feedback, analyze page data to find out the weak points of your site.

By highlighting links, adding clearly visible buttons, changing aspects of the menu and navigation, and respecting certain important rules, you can significantly improve the user experience, simplify the journey, and increase your conversion rate.

2- Reduce loading times

Your site should load quickly! According to a study conducted by Google on e-commerce sites, more than 55% of users leave a site that is not loaded after 3 seconds.

To measure the loading speed of your site, you can use tools like Gtmetrix which will also give you recommendations to put in place. Chez Scroll, We develop sites with optimal loading speeds right from the start.

To reduce the loading speed, there are several techniques:

- Limit JavaScript resources, which can be cumbersome to load.

- Compress images to reduce weight

- Opt for image formats optimized for the web (JPEG, webp).

- Set up a cache system.

- Optimize your code by bringing files together.

- Choose an efficient hosting provider.

At Scroll, we chose to use Webflow that allows us to develop professional and ultra-fast sites with optimal loading times that do not negatively affect the conversion rate.

3- Have a responsive site

One of the most important points right now for any website owner is to have a 100% responsive site. Changing the device should not have a negative impact on the journey of your site.

Whether the user is on desktop, tablet or mobile, navigation must be perfectly adapted. By leaving one format out of the box, you could miss out on a lot of conversions. It is therefore important to track and analyze your traffic by format to make sure that nothing is blocking.

In 2021 worldwide, mobile traffic represented 71% of total traffic. By making your site responsive and 100% optimized on mobile you can significantly increase your conversion rate.

4- Propose an optimal payment tunnel

If you want to increase your conversion rate, the final payment stage should be as optimized as possible.

Offer your visitors different payment methods, guarantee them a 100% secure payment and do not complicate the task for them. Every small obstacle during this stage could deter the visitor from buying.

To guarantee an optimized payment tunnel, offer known, credible payment methods, do not ask for too much optional information and work on the design of your purchase pages. These elements greatly reassure your visitors!

5- Provide enough information

Give visitors enough information so they don't go looking for it elsewhere!

It is imperative that you provide enough accurate information about your products or services so that the visitor does not need to go to another site for information. By leaving your site to inquire, the visitor could have discovered the product or service on your site and made a purchase from a competitor.

Study and analyze user questions to give them answers in your content and to keep them on site.

6- Increase the conversion rate through customer reviews

Highlighting customer reviews can help reassure visitors. In e-commerce, nearly 9 out of 10 customers consult the reviews of a product or service before making a purchase.

By putting positive reviews of your flagship products on the home page and by highlighting customer reviews on your product pages, you increase your chances of conversions.

In some contexts, you can also collect video testimonies from your customers to highlight on your site.

As you will have understood, by reassuring your visitors as much as possible with comments and positive ratings on your products, you gain chances of increasing your conversion rate.

7- Offer promo codes

All the elements that can encourage you to buy are good to take to increase your conversion rate, promo codes are one of them!

By creating and promoting limited-time promo codes on your site, you create a sense of urgency that encourages visitors to buy. You can add promotional codes on the home page, on the product pages, just before payment to avoid cart abandonments, it's up to you to decide according to your strategy, your product and your target!


Even if it means reducing your profits with promo codes, by increasing your conversion rate, you can sell in larger quantities, it's up to you to find the perfect balance!

8- Conduct tests to find the elements that impact the conversion rate

Finally, do some tests! Test formats, navigations, designs, buttons, etc., according to your target audience. By doing tests and accurately analyzing the results, you will know where and how to act on your site to increase your conversion rate.

Boost your conversion rate with the Scroll agency

Do you want to redesign your site to increase your conversion rate? Or starting from scratch with an optimized site? At Scroll, we develop professional, stylish and efficient sites thanks to Webflow CMS. Our Webflow agency composed of experts is available to develop with you tailor-made solutions that perfectly meet your expectations. If you have a project, do not hesitate to contact us!

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