Why create a website? 5 good reasons

In the digital age, having an online presence is essential for any business, big or small. If you don't know where to start, creating a website is a great first step. Creating a site can bring a lot of benefits to your business. We explain five good reasons to do it!

1. Why create a website? To benefit from a professional online presence 24/7

It is no secret that today, having a website is essential to develop a professional online presence. For many businesses, their website is their main marketing asset.

A website allows you to control your online presence and build your brand. It is a platform where you can share your story, connect with your customers, and sell your products or services.

A website also gives you a competitive edge. In today's digital world, consumers research and expect businesses to have an online presence. If you don't have a website, you're missing out on a unique opportunity to reach and engage with your target audience.

2. Why create a website? To reach more customers

As a business owner, you're always looking for new ways to reach more customers and grow your business. Creating a website is one of the most effective ways to do this.

When you have a website, you can reach a global audience in just a few clicks. You can also use your website to build relationships with potential and current customers by sharing useful and valuable content. A website can help you generate leads and sales for your business. 100% of Internet users can access your website unlike a page on a social network or another type of online medium.

3. Why create a website? To be visible on search engines

By creating a website that is at least optimized for search engines, you can easily gain high visibility. Let's take the example of the most famous search engine: Google. On Google, 80,000 queries are made every second, that's about 6.9 billion searches per day. And 80% of consumers seek information about products or services before buying.

In Google search results, the site in the first position receives about 30% of clicks and the top three more than 60%. If you position your site on the right requests, you can generate traffic quickly. Being visible on search engines and more specifically on Google is an option that can bring you many customers!

4. Why create a website? To provide information about your business

Owning a website allows you to share a lot of information with your potential customers. On your site, you can publish references, additional information, images, videos, and provide access to specific documents, and all this very easily and at any time! You can give free access to the information of your choice or sort it according to your preferences. In addition, you can add content regularly to inform users about specific events and news related to your brand or industry.

5. Why create a website? To reassure your potential customers

By having an online presence and a properly built website, you reassure your target!

On your site, you can present the best testimonials and opinions on your products and your brand in general to make Internet users want to buy. More than 50% of Internet users do not trust a company that they cannot find on the Internet!

On a product or a service, reviews now represent a decisive criterion since more than 75% of customers read reviews before making a purchase!

The important points to create a quality website

1- Give enough relevant information about your activity to answer the questions of Internet users

2- Illustrate your site to make it visually appealing

3- Optimize loading time by avoiding items that are too heavy

4- Optimize the mobile version 100%

Create your website with the Scroll agency!

At Scroll, we support your business in creating a site to get your business off the ground! To meet your needs, we bring together experts who develop ultra-qualitative and rapidly websites on the Webflow platform. It is thanks to our Webflow agency that we offer you sites that are design, responsive, fast and optimized for search engines. If you have a project, do not hesitate to contact us!

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