Webflow vs Bubble: which tool for what use?

Do you want to gain visibility? Promote the goods or services you sell? Are you looking to develop a site or an application but you don't know which tool to choose? Webflow and Bubble are tools that can help you get your business off the ground! What tool for what use and why them? We tell you everything!

Webflow vs Bubble: a match of two no-code tools

What is a no-code?

No-code is a solution that consists in developing applications, sites and tools without having to write a single line of code. The developer does not need any programming language knowledge to develop his project. No-code is becoming more and more talked about because it has many advantages: power, speed of design, money saving, flexibility, etc.

But be careful, who says no-code does not mean accessible to everyone either. Depending on the projects, needs and tools used, no-code requires more or less advanced learning which can discourage the most beginners in some cases.

Today, no-code tools are constantly being developed to offer ever more advanced functionalities. Webflow and Bubble are no-code tools that allow you to develop websites and applications without coding.

What is Webflow?

More precisely, Webflow is a no-code CMS (content management system). It allows you to create websites in a simpler and more intuitive way than by coding since it is based on the principle of drag-and-drop. To build the site pages, simply drag and drop various predefined elements and then configure them. The tool offers a visual interface to simplify its use. It also provides numerous templates to use.

When using Webflow, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code is generated automatically without you having to worry about it.

To give you an idea, when it comes to CMS, we often compare Webflow vs Wordpress, which you probably know very well.

What is Bubble?

In the same way that Webflow Bubble is a no-code tool. This allows you to create web applications without any programming knowledge. It also works on the principle of drag-and-drop, you just need to drag and drop elements to create your application, without having to write any line of code. Bubble is easy to learn and allows you to create complex web and mobile applications without any programming knowledge.

Webflow or Bubble: why use one or the other?

Webflow and Bubble are two no-code tools that each have their own particularities to meet different needs. Which should you use, Webflow or Bubble instead?

Why use Webflow?

Are you looking to increase your visibility by developing a website? Webflow allows you to create all types of sites that will allow you to get your business off the ground. You want to create a one-page site to highlight your services or present your business, a showcase site to provide valuable information on your goods/services, or an e-commerce site to sell your goods and services directly online, it's possible!

Why use Bubble?

Turn to Bubble if you need a web application. Thanks to the tool you can create web applications that are similar to websites and that allow you to benefit from the same visibility on the Internet but which have different characteristics. To give you an idea, one of differences between web applications and websites is that a website is generally a set of web pages that can be viewed online, while a web application is an interactive tool that allows users to complete tasks online. Web applications are generally more complex than websites, and require greater interactivity with users. Web applications can have many benefits for your business.

To know the approximate price of a web application, read also our article: How much does it cost to develop a web application? or estimate your project directly with us!

Webflow vs Bubble: each has its advantages

To help guide your choice and understand what benefits you can get from which solution, we have selected a few:

The advantages of Webflow

Power and flexibility for a website

Webflow is a tool that meets a wide range of needs. You can develop a complex website with a design specific to your image and precise functionalities. Webflow takes care of compatibility with all browsers for you and also offers you a large number of templates and extensions to set up to customize your site.


In its offer, Webflow hosts your website itself! You choose your offer based on the features you need and hosting and domain name are always included. The advantage is that you don't have to worry about hosting or maintaining your site, everything is managed by Webflow. The platform also has an automatic backup system that saves the changes you make to your site so that you can focus 100% on the design and not on the technology.


No need to worry about the security of your site! Who says integrated CMS, says no external server and therefore all data is stored, managed and secured directly within the Webflow application. The platform also supports the HTTPS protocol, which guarantees the user that their data is encrypted and secure.

The benefits of Bubble

Powerful applications

Bubble offers a wide range of advanced features, such as user management, workflows, payments, and notifications. This allows developers to create rich and complex web applications without the need for external tools.

An important collaboration

Bubble is a tool that allows you to collaborate online, it allows teams to work together effectively and in real time. To do this, Bubble offers a variety of tools to facilitate collaboration, including chat, file sharing, and task management tools. Bubble is ideal for work teams and collaborators who need to connect and work together.

A free trial version

Bubble offers a free version that allows users to create web applications with a limited number of features. The free version of Bubble is ideal for beginners who want to get familiar with the platform before upgrading to the paid version.

Advantages at Webflow as well as at Bubble

As you can see, both solutions have their advantages in meeting different needs. Webflow will allow you to visually create complex, secure and hosted sites while Bubble will allow you to create powerful web and mobile applications by collaborating with your team in real time.

Scroll supports you on Webflow and Bubble to develop site and application

At Scroll, Webflow and Bubble are no-code tools that we use on a daily basis to develop sites, web and mobile applications for our customers. Our expertise on platforms allowed us to create The Webflow agency as well as The Bubble agency which are made up of experts to get your project off the ground. Do you need a website or an application? Our specialists are there to offer you hyper-qualitative and tailor-made solutions. Do not hesitate to contact us!

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