Webflow pricing: how much does the tool cost?

The Webflow tool is more and more famous for its ability to simplify the development of professional and high-performance websites. It may be ideal for your business! What is the pricing offered by Webflow? We explain everything to you!

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a no-code CMS (content management system). It is based on the principle of drag and drop and makes creating websites easier and more intuitive than coding in a traditional way. On Webflow, all you have to do is drag and drop various predefined elements to create the site pages, then configure them. The tool has a graphical and very visual user interface to facilitate its use. It also offers numerous templates to get started.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code is generated automatically when you use Webflow, so you don't have to worry about it.

To give you an idea, Webflow is often compared to the famous Wordpress CMS.

When should you use Webflow?

Are you planning to create a website to improve your visibility? With Webflow, you can create any type of website to propel your business. It is possible to create a one-page site to highlight your services or promote your business, a showcase site to offer useful details about your products/services, or an e-commerce site to make online sales of your products and services.

What rates does Webflow offer?

Webflow offers a free rate

For users who want to test the platform, Webflow offers a free version. This free version is limited in terms of functionality, but it allows users to create basic websites with a domain name that includes webflow.io. If you need more features, you should upgrade to the paid version of Webflow.

Two types of paid rates offered by Webflow

Webflow offers two types of rates to its users. A rate that directly concerns the site and another that concerns the global account.

Webflow rates for the site

Webflow rates for sites are pretty simple. Like many other tools, they offer a number of functionalities and precise storages depending on the amount of the tool. Webflow offers the following four rates:

Basic rate

To launch a very simple site, it offers:

- A personalized domain name

- 0 content items

- 50 GB of bandwidth

Basic rate price: $12/month

CMS rate

To create a blog or a site that highlights content, it offers:

- A personalized domain name

- 2000 content items

- 200 GB of bandwidth

- 3 guest editors

CMS rate price: $16/month

Business rate

To create a marketing site with high traffic, it offers:

• A personalized domain name

• 10000 content items

• 400 GB of bandwidth

• 10 guest editors

Business rate price: $36/month

Enterprise rate

To create a specific site with ultra-personalized and specific security and compliance, it offers:

• A personalized domain name

• +10000 content items

• Personalized bandwidth

• A custom number of guest editors

• A service level agreement and personalized guarantees

Enterprise rate price: on request

Webflow rates for the account

Webflow offers a second type of pricing that concerns the account. These rates are more suitable for teams who want to collaborate with several people on the development of more than one site at the same time. Webflow offers three different rates here:

The Core rate

For small teams and freelancers, it offers:

• Up to 3 employees

• 10 non-hosted sites

• Billing authorizations

• The ability to add custom code

• Exporting the code

Core rate price: $19/month

The Growth rate

For growing teams and agencies that want stronger permissions and space to grow, it offers:

• Up to 9 employees

• Unlimited number of non-hosted sites

• Publishing permissions

• The ability to add custom code

• Exporting the code

Growth rate price: $49/month

The Enterprise rate

To create specific sites with ultra-personalized and specific security and compliance, it offers:

• Customized employee limits

• Unlimited number of non-hosted sites

• Advanced permissions

• The ability to add custom code

• Exporting the code

• Advanced security and performance

Enterprise rate price: on request

With Scroll find the ideal Webflow rate for your site

If you are looking to develop a website on Webflow and are not sure what rate to choose to start with, we are here to help. At Scroll, we created The Webflow agency which brings together several experts available to support you in the development of your site on Webflow. Our Webflow consultants master the tool perfectly to offer you tailor-made solutions that meet your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us.

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