No-Code Freelancers: Scroll, a no-code freelancer agency

Do you want to develop your business? Are you looking to act quickly without spending huge amounts of money? Do you know about no-code freelancers? At Scroll, there are many of them and we present them to you in this article!

What is a no-code freelancer?

The no-code

No-code is a development approach that allows users with no code knowledge to create applications using graphical tools and predefined components, without having to write a single line of code.

It is a growing trend in the development of solutions, as it allows sites, applications and various digital tools to be created using graphical tools and predefined components, without having to write code. This approach allows businesses to develop applications more quickly and at a lower cost, as they don't need to look for developers who are experienced in code and are highly sought after in the market.

The no-code freelancer

No-code freelancers are professionals who have a deep understanding of no-code tools and their potential, and who can use them to create customized solutions for their clients.

No-code freelancers are increasingly in demand by businesses, as they can significantly reduce the cost and time needed to implement new solutions. In addition, freelancers are generally very flexible and can adapt quickly to new requests.

Why use a no-code freelancer?

Depending on your project, you may have to use a no-code freelancer. Here are five of the most common reasons:

1. You need someone who can quickly build a prototype or an MVP without spending too much time or money.

2. You need someone who can make changes to an existing no-code application quickly and easily.

3. You need someone who can do custom integrations or connect different no-code platforms together.

4. You need someone who knows the no-code world inside out to recommend the best tools and platforms for your needs.

5. You need someone to create a site, an application or a tool without coding to develop your business quickly and at a lower cost.

In most cases, an experienced no-code freelancer will be able to help you reach your goals more quickly and easily than a traditional developer.

What are the advantages of no-code freelancers at Scroll?

The benefits of no-code freelancers in general

In general, using a no-code freelancer has several advantages for your projects. The most important of these are the following:

The price

No-code freelancers are often more affordable than traditional code developers.

The skills

No-code freelancers can often do the job as well as a coder, without needing to code.


No-code freelancers are often more flexible and can work more quickly than those who code. They can also be an asset to your team, as they can often take on tasks that coders aren't able to do.

A new look

No-code freelancers can often bring a new perspective to a project because they are not bogged down in technical details.

Interesting for start-ups

No-code freelancers can help you launch your start-up!

If you are looking for a freelancer to help you with a project, consider looking for a no-code freelancer. You will be surprised how much help they can give you!

Why choose no-code freelancers from Scroll?

While no-code freelancers in general can bring benefits to the development of your project, those who form the Scroll team will be in a position to bring even more benefits. Here are 4 additional benefits that no-code freelancers at Scroll can bring to your project:

Real experts

At Scroll, recruiting is demanding! This guarantees you an irreproachable level of expertise. We make the choice to carefully select our no-code freelancers to work only with experts.

Adapted to each project

Our pool of experts is comprehensive and diverse. For each of our clients' projects, we can select the best qualified expert (s) according to the skills, the necessary knowledge and the availability. Everything is there to match your project!

Rendering quality

At Scroll, we give everything to guarantee you a result of the highest quality. To do this, we use proven development and testing methods that you can follow and understand throughout the project. In addition, we add all the elements necessary for the rendering such as documentation, explanations, etc.

Project monitoring

Our confirmed development methods also allow us to plan with you a long-term follow-up of the project and to be 100% responsive in the event of a bug or new request. Don't panic, for follow-up if the basic appointed freelancers are not available later, our in-house no-code experts are available for you!

Examples of tools used by no-code freelancers

No-code freelancers use many tools, each more powerful than the last. Some are becoming more and more popular, here are four that are constantly used by no-code freelancers at Scroll:


Webflow is a no-code tool allowing no-code freelancers to design and develop websites. Webflow allows its users to create websites using only their web browser, without having to use HTML or CSS code. Webflow also offers a hosted website building platform, allowing users to publish and manage their website

Bubble is a no-code platform that allows developers to create web applications without having to write a single line of code. Bubble allows developers to create applications of all kinds, ranging from websites to mobile applications.

Make (ex Integromat)

Make is a no-code connectivity and automation tool that allows users to connect different tools and services together in a simple way and without coding. With Make, you can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as managing customers, invoices, or emails. Make offers a wide range of predefined templates that allow you to quickly and easily set up many common automations.


Airtable is a no-code database tool that allows no-code freelancers to manage their projects and customers in a simple and organized way. With Airtable, you can create custom databases based on your needs, with a clean design and an easy to use interface. Additionally, Airtable offers native integration with many common tools and services, allowing you to manage your workflow smoothly and without interruption.

Scroll, a no-code freelance agency

Scroll is a No-code agency which brings together numerous no-code freelancers ready to assist you with your digital problems. No-code maker, No-code developer, call them what you want, they are immersed in the world of no-code and master the most popular tools like Webflow, Bubble, Make, Airtable and many more.

A project ?
Scroll is there for you!
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