Fastly: a cloud platform to speed up your website

In today's digital world, the loading speed of a website is an essential factor, which is often underestimated. Every second counts, every millisecond can make a difference. A slow site can lead to a drop in traffic, a drop in conversions, and as a result, a decrease in revenue. Fortunately, solutions exist to improve this speed, and Fastly is one of the most efficient. We explain everything to you!

What is Fastly?

Definition and history of Fastly

Fastly is much more than just a CDN (Content Delivery Network) service; it's a scalable cloud platform designed to improve the performance, security, and reliability of your website. Founded in 2011 by Artur Bergman, a developer with a passion for optimizing online performance, Fastly has since evolved to become one of the leading content delivery platforms on the market.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) Technology Description

CDN technology, at the heart of Fastly, is a network of servers distributed around the world, which operates based on geographic proximity to deliver web content. When a user requests a web page, the request is automatically redirected to the nearest server, reducing latency and making the site load faster. With this technology, Fastly allows for faster and smoother delivery of your online content.

How Fastly fits into the cloud computing ecosystem

But Fastly isn't limited to being a CDN. Indeed, in the vast cloud computing ecosystem, Fastly stands out for its comprehensive offering of services designed to improve all aspects of your online presence. In addition to its CDN function, Fastly also offers services for performance optimization, security, edge computing, and video streaming, to name a few of its strengths.

The integration of Fastly into the cloud computing landscape is therefore much deeper than that of a simple CDN. As an all-in-one platform for the acceleration, security and optimization of your website, Fastly is a key player in the cloud universe.

Why Fastly to speed up your website?

Accelerating a website is not limited to improving its loading speed, it represents a significant competitive advantage in today's ultra-competitive digital market. Fastly, as a cloud platform, provides an integrated response to this challenge. But how, exactly?

Fastly loading speed benefits

First of all, one of the main advantages of Fastly lies in its ability to significantly increase the loading speed of your website. With its global network of points of presence (PoPs), Fastly allows for faster and more efficient content delivery, minimizing the time between user request and server response. By reducing this lag time, your website loads faster, which directly contributes to a better user experience.

Impact of Fastly on the user experience (UX)

Indeed, user experience, or UX, has become an essential criterion for websites. Fast loading speed means that visitors to your site won't have to wait to access your content. This results in a decrease in the bounce rate, an increase in time spent on the site, and an overall improvement in user satisfaction. Fastly therefore plays a decisive role in improving the UX of your website.

Fastly use cases (concrete examples of sites that use it)

Many globally recognized sites have adopted Fastly to boost their performance. For example, the New York Times, one of the most viewed online publications in the world, uses Fastly to ensure fast and reliable delivery of its content to millions of readers every day. Likewise, Pinterest, the image sharing platform, relies on Fastly to quickly load its numerous images and ensure a smooth and pleasant user experience for its users. These use cases illustrate Fastly's potential to accelerate the performance of websites of all sizes and types.

Differences between Fastly and other CDNs

Compared to other CDNs, Fastly stands out for its flexibility and scalability. While most CDNs rely on a static infrastructure, Fastly uses a dynamic architecture that can be easily adapted to suit the specific needs of your website. Additionally, Fastly allows caching, security, and routing rules to be configured and adjusted in real time, providing unprecedented control over the performance of your website.

Fastly and Webflow: a combination for optimal web performance

Webflow, as a platform for creating websites, constantly strives to provide its users with tools and services that improve the quality and efficiency of their sites. And when it comes to performance and loading speed, Fastly is the partner of choice.

By combining Webflow's web design capabilities with Fastly's fast content delivery technology, you can create visually appealing websites that load at an exceptional speed. Not only does this improve the user experience, but it can also have a positive impact on your search engine rankings, as loading speed can indirectly impact your positioning on Google.

Integrating Fastly into your Webflow site is a relatively simple process, which comes down to a few technical configurations. Once Fastly is integrated, all content on your Webflow site is automatically distributed through Fastly's network, ensuring fast and reliable delivery regardless of where your visitors are located.

Using Fastly with Webflow offers additional benefits such as protection against DDoS attacks, improved site reliability and availability, and the ability to manage spikes in traffic without service interruptions.

Opt for a designer and ultra-fast site with the Scroll agency

Do you need an ultra-fast, efficient and up-to-date site? At Scroll, our Webflow agency is available to get your website off the ground! Our Webflow experts support you to develop with you a site that perfectly meets your expectations and that loads in no time! If you have a project, contact us!


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