Bubble & Airtable: how to combine the two solutions?

Do you want to link your Airtable data to your Bubble application to take advantage of the advantages of both no-code tools? How and why do you combine Bubble and Airtable? We explain everything to you!

What is Bubble?

Bubble.io is a popular no-code tool for creating applications. The platform is a SaaS application, so it is accessible online with a subscription. Bubble is also known as a App-Builder No-Code.

Like many no-code tools, Bubble is based on the drag-and-drop principle. Simply select predefined elements and add them to workflows to create logical sequences and bring the application to life. Not a single line of code is required. The developer's task is to create the application visually, and Bubble takes care of generating the necessary code without them having to worry about it.

Bubble is highly regarded because it greatly improves the accessibility of application development and has a number of advantages over traditional development methods.

Why use Bubble?

Bubble is a powerful tool that allows developers to create web applications without having to learn a new programming language. This allows developers to focus on application logic and not syntax.

Bubble is extremely flexible. Applications can be created using any number of components and features. There's no limit to what you can create with Bubble.

Bubble is also very easy to use. This means that you can easily take part in the project to understand and monitor it.

What is Airtable?

Airtable is a no-code online database management tool that allows users to create scalable and flexible databases. Airtable provides its users with a very intuitive visual interface to allow them to easily manage their data, no complicated syntax is required. Users can easily add, edit, or delete data in their databases. The Airtable tool also allows users to share their databases within their team with their associates or with other collaborators.

To adapt to different structures, Airtable offers several prices, from the low price for the small team, to the personalized rate for large companies.

Why use Airtable?

Airtable is a very useful and extremely flexible tool that can be customized to meet the specific needs of your team. Here are some of the reasons why you could use Airtable:

With Airtable, work with several people on the same project at the same time.

It is a very practical tool for teams that work remotely because it makes it easy to share files and information.

Airtable is extremely flexible.

It can be customized to meet the specific needs of your team. You can create custom tables and databases, add fields and columns, and choose how you want your data to be organized.

Airtable is easy to use and intuitive.

You can easily take part in your Airtable project developed by an expert in order to understand the process so you can make changes in the future.

Airtable offers great support to its users.

If you have any questions or issues, you can contact the 24/7 support team via chat or email. Additionally, there is a rich community of Airtable users who share tips and advice about the platform.

Why combine Bubble and Airtable?

Bubble is an application development platform that allows developers to create web applications without coding. Airtable is a database platform that allows developers to manage their data without coding as well. By linking Bubble and Airtable, developers can create web applications that use data stored in Airtable.

Developers can use Bubble to create user interfaces and workflows without coding. By linking Bubble and Airtable, developers can access data stored in Airtable without having to write code to query the database. This allows developers to focus on application logic and not on data management. This therefore makes it possible to easily manage data thanks to Airtable but also to create forms to be integrated into your application on Bubble or to integrate many third-party tools available with Airtable.

How to combine Bubble and Airtable 

Luckily, it's easy to link Bubble and Airtable, allowing users to take advantage of the benefits of both platforms.

Here's how to link Bubble and Airtable:

1. Log in to your Airtable account and access your database.

2. Click on the API icon in the left sidebar.

3. Under “Authentication,” click “Generate API Key.”

4. Copy your API key and log in to your Bubble account.

5. Go to your app editor and click Settings.

6. Under “Connect to external data,” click “Airtable.”

7. Paste your API key into the text box and click “Save.”

You now have access to all of your Airtable data in Bubble.

Scroll accompanies you on your Bubble/Airtable projects

At Scroll, our expertise on Airtable and Bubble no-code tools allowed us to create The Airtable agency and The Bubble agency. Two agencies to meet your application creation and database management needs. Whether you have a project on one of the two platforms or if you want to link the two platforms, our experts are there to offer you ultra-qualitative and tailor-made solutions! Do not hesitate to contact us!

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