What are the pros and cons of a web application?

As the use of the internet on mobile is becoming more and more important, it is forcing businesses to adapt. To meet the new needs of visitors, several solutions such as native mobile applications or web applications exist. Depending on the specific needs of the business, one type of application may be more suitable than another. To help you choose, Scroll Through this article, highlights the advantages and disadvantages of a web application.

What is a web application?

Before trying to find out what are the advantages and disadvantages of a web application, it is essential to really understand what it is.

Web application: definition

A web application, also called Web App, is an application hosted online on a server and usable simply using a browser. You can therefore use the application without having to download it on your computer or any device such as a smartphone or tablet.

Differences between web application and native mobile application

Many people confuse web applications and mobile applications, but beware, they are not the same thing! There are differentiating elements between these two types of applications:

A mobile application requires to be downloaded to a smartphone and will use the storage and power of the device to function. The user interacts with the application only via his smartphone. This type of application is also called a native application.

Example of a mobile application: WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram...

A web application, for its part, has the particularity of operating online simply via a browser. It can therefore be used on a smartphone but also on a computer or any other device with a web browser. It does not require to be downloaded to work and it does not use the storage or the power of the device used.

Example of a web application: the Google search engine, Google Maps; Airbnb...

Be careful not to confuse web application and website. If you are not sure how to make the distinction, do not hesitate to read our article on The differences between a website and a web application.

Why develop a web application?

Whether for your company employees or for the users of your website, the need for flexibility and mobility is becoming more and more important. Developing a web application makes it easier for you to provide access to specific tools or functionalities from any location or device. For example, employees can work continuously by switching between devices.

The advantages of a web application

Web applications offer numerous advantages in various aspects:

Benefit 1: Accessibility

A web application is more quickly accessible than a native application. The user does not need to download an application on their device, they can use it instantly. When he wants to interact with the application, all he needs is an internet connection and enter the application's URL into a web browser, whether on his computer, tablet or smartphone.

Benefit #2: Compatibility

The web application is designed to be compatible on all operating systems and responsive on all devices. Since it works thanks to a browser, it does not depend on the device used or the operating system and is made to adapt to all screen formats.

Benefit #3: Mobility

Mobility is improved thanks to web applications. Wherever you are, your application is accessible as long as you have an internet connection. You can go from one computer to another, from your computer to your smartphone, etc... Your data is stored in the app, so you can get back to business anytime and from anywhere!

Benefit 4: Team work

In the context of a business, web applications simplify teamwork. They make it possible to create collaborative spaces where it is very easy to share work with an entire team. All data is stored online and all you have to do is share a link or create an access to the collaboration spaces. No need to work locally and send documents by email with each modification!

Advantage 5: No constraints from application stores

The development of a web application makes it possible to avoid certain constraints imposed by native application stores. As your application is hosted online, it is not subject to various compliance rules or to the verification of application stores such as Google Play Store or the App Store. This saves a lot of time on development.

Benefit #6: Update and security

The web application is always up to date. Unlike native applications that need to be updated manually, web applications have the advantage of always being up to date for everyone. The update is done on the server side and not on the user side, so no action is required by the user. This makes it possible to increase security. When a flaw is detected, it is fixed for all users at the same time.

Benefit 7: Storage

No more worries about the storage limit of your computer or smartphone. Web applications are hosted online and you don't have to store data directly on your device. Applications can also allow you to save your work, documents, or any files directly on the cloud, which will offer an almost infinite storage capacity.

The disadvantages of a web application

Web applications offer many very attractive advantages, but they also have some disadvantages that you should be aware of before you start developing.

Disadvantage #1: Internet addiction

A web application only works if you have access to the internet. Without a connection, you will not be able to go to your browser and interact with the Web app. Today, there are few situations where no internet connection is available but in this specific case, the application will be of no use to you.

Disadvantage #2: Compatibility

One of the advantages of the web application is its compatibility in various formats. But to do this, it is necessary to develop a perfectly responsive and technically compatible application. This is a task that can sometimes complicate development and require a lot of time.

Disadvantage #3: Less visibility

A web application does not benefit from the visibility of application stores. This one has the same visibility as a classic website on which SEO must be worked on.

Disadvantage #4: Restricted access to some features

A web application has restricted access to the functionalities of the device unlike native applications that have simplified access to hardware functionalities such as GPS, camera, microphone, etc.

In summary, should you choose a web application or a native mobile application?

It all depends on your needs and your constraints! If you are looking to adapt your website to the mobile format and your budget is not very important, then turn to the development of a web application which will be compatible with all browsers and devices. If, on the contrary, you have more resources, more time and your application requires very specific functionalities such as native functionalities, then turn to the development of a native mobile application.

Create your web application with Agence Scroll

If you prefer the web application and you have a project, or if you encounter a problem and do not know how to answer it, call on Agence Scroll! We are a agency specialized in the development of no-code web applications, our project managers will be able to support you to offer you tailor-made solutions, to be developed with you. Do not hesitate to contact us to find out more!

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