6 tips to improve your website

Not selling enough? Is your traffic too low? Don't you like the aesthetics of your site? Improve your website now! There are many parameters to take into account when talking about website improvement. The perfect site does not exist, but there are many ways to approach it by improving many aspects that will increase traffic, visit time, number of conversions and customer satisfaction! We explain everything to you!

Start by checking the basic technical elements of your website

The basis of a quality website is to be at least secure, not to present errors when browsing through it and to be responsive on different devices.

Make sure you have an up to date SSL certificate

To reassure your users and guarantee a minimum of data protection, you must set up an SSL certificate to benefit from the “https” code in your URL. If your site has a URL starting with “http” then it does not properly secure data and may be blocked on some browsers and display a warning to Internet users. Data security is a significant element these days and can deter many users if it is not up to date.

Correct page errors

Your site should be displayed correctly and allow its users to navigate it without any problems. You need to make sure that no error pages exist. Pages that include an error and are not displayed are identifiable by 4xx error codes, the most common being 404. These errors most often come from internal links that point to pages on your site that no longer exist. So review your links regularly to check them or create redirects when you delete pages.

Your site must be responsive

To have a quality site, it must adapt to all devices (mobile, tablet, desktop). So make sure that your site remains legible in the various formats and that the graphic elements and buttons remain correctly sized and clickable. A perfectly responsive site is highly appreciated by users and promoted by Google.

To improve your website, optimize UX!

We call UX, the user experience (user experience in English) lived on your site. Simply put, it's how easy it is for people to navigate your site and find the information they're looking for. If users have trouble navigating the pages they can't find, buttons, or information they're looking for then the UX isn't optimized.

Improving the UX of your website consists in putting yourself in the user's shoes and making the site's journey attractive and simple so that the user stays on the site as long as possible or takes action. Here are a few examples of UX improvements:

- Clean the menu

- Simplify and make navigation intuitive

- Move important information to the top of the pages

- Do not overload a page

- Place the Call To Action buttons in the right places and in a very accessible way.

Working on UX can significantly improve the conversion rate of your website.

Work on the visual aspect to improve your website

Your site should have an up-to-date design and adapt to graphic trends. A dated design or a visual aspect that is too little worked on can frighten users. For example, display good quality images, use legible fonts, space titles, harmonize colors, add graphic elements. Nothing prevents you from having a strong visual identity, simply, you must respect these few tips to not frighten the majority of Internet users and make your site pleasant to use.

Improve the loading speed of your website

To improve your website, nothing better than to improve its speed!

By optimizing page load time, you reduce the bounce rate. The faster the pages load, the more likely you are to have users stay on your pages. To do this, compress the images and all the graphic elements of the site to reduce their weight, set up a cache tool and optimize the code of your site using extensions on the host and/or CMS side. To measure the speed of your site, you can use tools like GTmetrix or Google PageSpeed Insights.

Optimize the SEO of your website

Improve your website by working on your SEO! Working on SEO will allow you to gain positions in Google search results and therefore to increase your traffic ! To improve your SEO, don't leave the title tags and meta-descriptions of your pages empty! They should all be filled in with strategic keywords that your audience is looking for. In the same way, build your pages by adding these same keywords in the title tags of your pages (h1, h2, h3,...). To improve your SEO, you can also create a blog to regularly add content to be positioned on new keywords or create external links (backlinks), links on an external site that point to your site.

Enriching content makes it possible to improve your website

Finally, to improve your website, offer your users quality content! The richer, more original, and clearer your content is, the easier it is for your users to find what they're looking for. If your users are happy with your content then they will have a better chance of coming back to your site and sharing it.

Opt for the redesign of your website with the Scroll agency!

If you want to significantly improve your site without wasting time and avoiding numerous technical manipulations, entrust your project to the experts at Scroll agency. Our agency is specialized in the creation of ultra-qualitative, designer, fast and well-referenced websites! At Scroll, we created The Webflow agency specially designed to meet your website redesign and creation problems. Our Webflow experts make your site secure, attractive, stylish and super fast! If you have a project, do not hesitate to contact us.

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