No-code/low-code: understand and differentiate these solutions to derive benefits

Nowadays, we hear the terms no-code and low-code more and more. These two very trendy solutions in the digital world know how to make people talk about it because of their ability to extend IT development to people who are not trained developers. But what do no-code and low-code really consist of? What are the differences and benefits of these two solutions? The Scroll agency Tell you about it and gives you all the keys to understand and start using these two solutions!


What is No-code?


No-code, as its name suggests, consists in not using computer code. It is now described as a sub-branch of low-code. No-code will allow a person who wants to create a site, an application or simply a landing page to carry out their project without coding and without calling on a developer, all in record time. The power of no-code tools makes it possible to develop powerful sites and applications very quickly, without having to code a single line.

No-code will also make it possible to automate processes that are sometimes complex without any concept of programming.

This solution is based mainly on three principles that can be defined as:

- Automatic generation of lines of code

- The use of templates for the design of sites and applications

- The use of visual tools with a pre-programmed graphical interface


The primary purpose of no-code is to make programming accessible to the general public. It can therefore allow anyone to create or modify a site, an application or to automate a process without knowing any computer language. Thanks to no-code, any user can create a design and animated website that meets their needs, all without adding a single line of HTML, CSS, JavaScript or any other computer language.


What is low-code?


Unlike no-code, low-code means “little computer code.” It is a solution that is aimed at people with very few computer development skills. It consists in pushing the limits of no-code tools to the maximum and in completing them by adding a few lines of computer code in order to complicate or personalize an achievement more deeply.

In a low-code project, the part of programming without computer coding often represents around 80% of the total programming.


No-code vs low-code: what are the differences?


The differences between No-code and Low-code are slight but some exist and give them their own particularities.


The amount of computer code required to carry out a project is not the same. A no-code project requires the use of 0% manual programming and no special development knowledge. Low-code, on the other hand, requires the user to have a minimum of programming skills to add about 10 to 20% of code to the project.


The simplicity of implementation. Since no-code is a solution intended for a more novice audience and does not require special skills, it is much easier to use than low-code. It therefore allows a user to respond to their need for creation more quickly and easily.


The complexity and originality of the project may vary depending on the solution used. Indeed, although no-code is now very developed and increasingly optimized, it can sometimes present limits in terms of customization or functionalities. Since no-code is very often based on the use of templates or pre-programmed elements, it is possible to find very similar points from one project to another. The difference between low-code here is that by adding a few lines of code, it is possible to add unique and completely personalized elements to your project. Low-code can then make it possible to create a more advanced and more original implementation than no-code.


The advantages of No-code/Low-code


The simplicity of no-code/low-code

As we explained earlier in the article, simplicity is one of the key principles of these solutions. No-code and low-code make it possible to carry out projects with little or no programming skills. For example, it will allow an individual who creates a business to create a website or an application without the need for a traditional developer. Be careful though: while these tools use a different and generally simpler logic, they are not necessarily within everyone's reach. No-code, like low-code, require solid skills and in-depth knowledge to be able to be used to their full capacity.

This simplicity is mainly justified by the graphical and very visual interfaces offered by no-code and low-code tools. Very often, it is enough to simply move elements on the page, choose colors, shapes, and add content using highly optimized modules.


The power of no-code/low-code

The power of no-code and low-code tools is now very interesting and is constantly improving. They offer a wide choice of templates, functionalities and customization models that meet many needs. The tools are therefore not limited to a particular sector of activity or use. In addition, they make it possible to create design, animated, automated creations comparable to projects developed manually.



With no-code and low-code, there's no need for developers

The use of no-code and low-code reduces the need for developers. As developers are increasingly sought after on the market, it is sometimes difficult to find ones that match the project and fit within the budgets. Since no-code and low-code require no or very few pure development skills, the realization of the project opens up to other profiles in companies. For example, there are more and more profiles of agencies or freelancers specializing in no-code tools.


The speed of no-code/low-code

The simplicity of no-code and low-code solutions makes it possible to achieve a speed of implementation. Visually optimized interfaces and modules reduce the time required for numerous tasks. Changing an image, color, shape, font, font, adding content or animation requires only a few clicks before being published.

It is possible to create a simple and stylish website in just a few hours thanks to no-code and low-code tools.


The cost of no-code/low-code

Creating a no-code or low-code project will very often cost less than paying a specialized developer who will manually develop the entire project and who will require more time.


The reduction of IT services congestion thanks to no-code/low-code

Within companies, if there is the slightest problem related to the modification or creation of a project such as a site or an application, it is the IT department that will be contacted. However, business IT departments can quickly find themselves overwhelmed when faced with too many simultaneous requests. Since no-code and low-code solutions are open to everyone, they will then allow different profiles to solve their problem alone and relieve IT departments.


No-code and low-code therefore allow you to develop tools, sites and applications more quickly, and often at lower costs than traditional development.

Get started with no-code and low-code!


Create a no-code/low-code site

Start with Fully create your website without coding. Whether it contains one or more pages. You will benefit from a professional, stylish and optimized site.

Discover some examples of websites created via no-code/low-code applications by Agence Scroll:

The website of Art Explora

The website of Digilityx

The website of Remoters

Part of the website of Bellman.

And above all... the website of Scroll !


Create your web or mobile application using no-code/low-code

If your project is to build a web or mobile application, then take advantage of the no-code and low-code tools to create your application without coding a single line. The power, simplicity and speed of the tools ensure a professional application that meets your expectations!


No-code/low-code, the end of developers?

Contrary to what some might think, no-code and low-code don't threaten developers that much. All no-code and low-code tools require developers to be designed. In addition, projects that are more complex or that want to be improved and thorough will necessarily require advanced development skills.

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