Bubble App: how do I create an app with Bubble?

You have chosen the web app to get your business off the ground but don't know how to develop it? Thanks to Bubble, develop a powerful and unique app! Where do you start? We explain everything to you!

Bubble, a tool for creating apps

Bubble was created in 2012 when a group of traditional developers wanted to break the codes of web development and allow members of their team who don't know how to code to work with them on the same projects.

The objective of Bubble is to simplify the development of web applications to make it accessible to all users simply by learning how to use the tool. The tool is defined as a no-code app builder, in French a creator of applications without code, which allows you to develop complete solutions without writing a single line of code. Knowledge of computer language is therefore not necessary to use Bubble.

Like most no-code app builders, Bubble is based on a principle of visual creation thanks to a sophisticated graphical interface and creation methods such as drag-and-drop.

The advantages of Bubble to create an app

If Bubble is so successful in web app development it is because it has many advantages, here are a few:

Bubble makes app development more accessible

Thanks to Bubble, it is not necessary to have the slightest knowledge of computer language to develop an ultra-professional application. App development is therefore no longer reserved for full-stack developers who are sometimes difficult to find. Now, you can call on a Bubble developer or learn about the tool, which is still much easier than learning a programming language.

Users can test Bubble for free

To get started with the platform and create a first basic app, Bubble offers a free version. The tool provides a limited number of functionalities to allow you to become familiar with its interface and development method.

A multitude of features to create the app of your dreams

Bubble is one of the no-code app builders that offers the most advanced features on the market. Thanks to the tool you can develop the app of your dreams from a design and functional point of view. It offers advanced features such as user management, authentication, authentication, payment, notifications, etc. Everything is there to build a modern and efficient app.

Bubble improves collaboration

What could be better than being able to work in real time with your team on a joint project. Bubble improves team efficiency by offering various online collaboration tools such as chat tools, file sharing tools or task management tools. Graphic designers, UX designers, developers, can all work together on Bubble!

How do I create a Bubble app?

Let's not forget the main subject of this article, which is to know: how to create an app on Bubble?

The first step is to come up with the idea for your app. It's not the easiest but don't worry, Bubble's resources are available to help you. You can browse and use the numerous examples of uses, templates and plugins made available on the tool. All of these elements will give you lots of ideas and save you valuable time in this ideation phase.

To access the tool development space, you will need to start by creating an account. Once connected, you will see that the Bubble interface is divided into different tabs.

The “Design” tab: structure your app

With this tab you will fully create and customize the interface, UX and all the visual aspect of your app. This is where you can create buttons, add images, input fields, etc. During this step you will have two choices, develop the design of your app from A to Z from scratch or use an available template and customize it in detail so that they meet your expectations. Don't panic, in both cases the solutions can be developed to be 100% responsive!

The “Workflow” tab: bring your app to life

It is surely in this tab that the strength of Bubble is found. By adding events coupled with actions in a logical way, this is where you can create automated scenarios. Each component in your workflow contains two components: an event, which acts as a trigger for the stage, and one or more actions, which are executed as a result of the event. Bubble offers you events that are already set up but if you want, you can create your own fully personalized events.

Logical actions linked to an event are triggered once the event itself is set up. Again, you have the option to select custom actions that you create yourself or actions that Bubble has already predefined.

The operation is very simple: for each stage, you select a triggering event and the actions that will follow. Example: you can select the event “When a user registers” and associate it with the action “Send a confirmation email”. As you will have understood, in this specific case when a user registers on the app, a confirmation email will be sent to him automatically.

The “Data” tab: the brain of your app

The data tab is the third tab that you will encounter when developing your app. It is in this part of the tool that you will store your data tables for use in your application.

In this tab, you will find various sub-tabs in which you can perform various actions:

Data types:

In this sub-tab you will find the categories of objects for which you want to store data in your database. On the left, you can create a new data type and see a list of all currently recognized data types. When a data type is chosen, fields of that data type are displayed on the right side, with the option to add new fields to that data type.


In this subtab, you can set restrictions on what types of data users can view or under what circumstances they can view. For the security of your application data, confidentiality rules are crucial! Defining privacy policies before dealing with real user data is critical, as new data types are generally visible by default to all users.


It is in this sub-tab that you can view all the data contained in your application database. To read and sort them more easily, you can create custom views. The development version and the online version of your app don't use the same databases. To display the respective data for each version of the app, simply change the version with the button at the top right. Additionally, on this tab, you can perform bulk upload, export, or edit actions, as well as create, edit, or delete items in the database.

File manager:

All files (images, videos, etc.) that you or your users uploaded in the development or online versions of your application are displayed in this subtab. You can manage them in this dedicated space, independent of other data in your app.

The “Style” tab: create an app that suits you

This tab is where you'll configure the style settings for your app. You'll define the fonts, themes, and colors that are assigned to your entire app. When you make a change in this tab, the changes are applied to all items in your app directly.

The “Plugins” tab: to enrich your app

Thanks to the API, in this tab, you can link Bubble to other compatible tools to further customize your application. The most popular tools are available. For example, depending on your purpose, you can connect services like Airtable, Slack, Gmail, Instagram, Instagram, Google Analytics, and more. Bubble provides hundreds of integrations in total from which you can select the ones that interest you.

Other tabs

The following tabs that you will find are account administration tabs or Bubble settings tabs. In there you can find a history of changes made to your application.

Scroll helps you create your Bubble app!

At Scroll, we use Bubble on a daily basis to bring our clients' projects to life. Our mastery of the tool allowed us to create theBubble agency, a team of Bubble developers and no-code experts in general to meet all your web application needs. Whether you have a blank project, an application to modify or a specific problem, we are here to answer your questions and support you in the development of your app project. Do not hesitate to contact us!

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