App builder no-code : discover 8 builder to start creating apps

No-code is gaining more and more attention due to its ability to offer an alternative to traditional programming.Creating a web or mobile application is becoming more accessible and less expensive. Several companies have developed tools called no-code app builders to create applications. In this article, The Scroll agency explains what a no-code app builder really is and shows you eight ways to set up your project.

What is a no-code app builder?

A no-code app builder, in French an application builder without code, is an online development tool that allows its users to create applications without coding. It does not require any computer coding skills. It was originally invented to allow developer teammates to develop without code knowledge. Thanks to no-code app builders, training on the tool and some basic skills allow any company employee to develop an application.

Why use a no-code app builder?

Lower prices. Today, there are few developers on the market. Their rarity and the time required to code an application justify that they are very expensive. Using no-code app builder can reduce costs by more than 50%.

A time-saver. Using a no-code app builder saves a lot of time on the development of an application. Indeed, since development is not just for developers, many people can get involved in it and take turns to work faster.


Always up to date. No-code app builders are getting up to speed. The teams that develop these tools regularly improve them to offer users the latest graphic features and innovations. Their mission is to enable you to create up-to-date applications that meet your needs.

Stronger collaboration. Since no-code app builders allow many members from different teams to join the project, they strengthen collaboration. Different profiles can come together to develop an application, work together and share common goals.

8 no-code app builders to get started with no-code

No-code app builders are developing more and more every year and are seeing their number increase. Among all the builders that we can find, we have selected eight to get you started with no-code.

Bubble : our favorite app builder !

Bubble is a no-code builder that is getting a lot of attention thanks to its complexity. Like many other no-code tools, Bubble offers the creation of applications using the drag-and-drop principle. But the tool does not stop there and offers functionalities that allow you to build more powerful and more complex applications. Indeed, in addition to the visual aspect, it is possible to create logic within the pages. For example, thanks to the “workflows” on Bubble, it is possible to create interactivity within pages, to dynamize buttons, to create an authentication system. Since the use of “workflows” is very flexible, it is possible to create applications that are very different from each other.

Bubble is also one of our main tools at Scroll. We use it on a daily basis in numerous projects. This is why, in the same way as for Webflow, we have set up The Bubble agency. Thanks to our perfect mastery of Bubble and our know-how in this field, we support our customers on various and varied achievements. We use the power of Bubble to offer new and custom-built applications, in record time.


In turn, Adalo is a no-code application builder. It allows you to create complete and powerful web and mobile applications without knowing how to code. Adalo insists on popularizing the interface and its operation to make it really very easy to use. Compared to Bubble, Adalo offers fewer complex features for creating applications but it is easier to learn and use later.

Adalo offers a large number of templates to start with and has a marketplace where its users can add their own creations.

Finally, for code experts it is also possible to create your own models.


Glide is a no-code builder that allows you to develop web and mobile applications. Unlike a lot of other no-code tools, it doesn't work on a drag-and-drop principle.

To start creating an application you will need to start with a google sheet, a template or a Glide table. Glide is designed to offer you a visually neat and beautiful application model from the start. That's why you'll never start with a blank slate.

Glide is a tool that is very easy and quick to learn but can quickly be restricted in terms of design freedom and not being able to meet all needs.


Thunkable is the no-code builder that wants to address all profiles, developers or non-developers. Its aim is to allow its users to create a mobile or web application much faster and much more easily than by coding. It works in two main parts. The first part consists in creating the user interface using the drag-and-drop technique. The user places blocks of text, images, buttons according to his preferences. And a second part to create logic in the application using a programming language in the form of blocks shared by Thunkable. The programming language he sets up is of course intended for people who do not know how to code.

Thunkable is a complete builder that offers a wide variety of features and

integrations for applications.


Stacker is an interesting no-code app builder since it allows you to create an application from an Airtable or a Google Sheet. It will allow businesses to visualize data in a simplified way in the form of an application. This application can then be used as an internal tool for teams or external for customers. The advantage here is that the builder can be used for various topics such as data sharing with customers, work management, customer relationships, HR, order management, and more.

Thanks to various elements such as charts, maps, portals, Stacker makes it possible to achieve a visual and easy-to-use interface that is very different from a raw list of data organized by tab.


With Softr it is possible to create a large number of different solutions. This no-code app builder allows you to create a customer portal, internal tools for your business, a marketplace, an online community, a data directory or even a website. The creation possibilities are numerous and none require a single line of code. Softr allows you to create powerful no-code applications easily. It is also possible to transform Airtable data into an application to add functionalities and logic. Softr's highly developed interface makes its editing tool very easy to use and very intuitive.


Weweb is a no-code app builder that in turn offers several functionalities. You can create responsive websites, import data from Airtable, Google Sheet or various CMS. You can integrate marketing tools like Hubspot or Mailchimp and set up tracking tools. The builder also offers you a private library to save elements and reuse them endlessly.

If you are looking to create a website with data from another tool, to create a personalized landing page or to quickly ship static websites, Weweb meets your needs.

Bravo Studio

Finally, we selected the Bravo Studio no-code builder. It differs from other app builders by its ability to transform application prototypes into native applications very quickly and without coding. All you have to do is select a Figma or Adobe XD design you made, add a few tags to allow Bravo Studio to find your way around and that's it, your application is created! Thanks to the tags you add in your figma model, Bravo Studio can find the various containers, slider buttons and other elements that you want to put in place in your application. Bravo Studio is a no-code app builder that can save a lot of time.

The Scroll agency accompanies you on a no-code app builder to create your application!

Today, Agence Scroll is an agency specialized in the development of no-code web applications. Do you have a web application project for your business? Whether it is a creation or a redesign, the members of our teams support you to offer you tailor-made solutions, to be developed with you on the no-code builder adapted to your needs. To discuss your project and find out more, do not hesitate to contact us!

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