Migrating Wordpress site to Webflow: the easy guide

In the digital age, many of us have chosen Wordpress as the preferred platform to design our websites. And for good reason, its ease of use and flexibility have attracted millions of users around the world. However, the constant evolution of the digital world sometimes leads us to consider new ways. One of these is Webflow, a rising platform offering a fascinating combination of design and functionality.

Maybe you've heard of The advantages of Webflow, or are you just curious to explore an alternative to Wordpress. Whatever your reason, this guide was designed for you. Over the next few paragraphs, we'll unveil a simple and effective method for making a smooth transition from Wordpress to Webflow.

Why migrate from Wordpress to Webflow?

Why migrate from Wordpress to Webflow?

Changing the platform for your website is never a decision to be taken lightly. It's a bit like moving: you have to weigh the pros and cons carefully. So why do so many professionals choose to migrate from Wordpress to Webflow? Let's dive into this question together.

The advantages of Webflow compared to Wordpress.

Freedom of design

Webflow offers a visual editor that allows you to design a site exactly as you imagine it, without being restricted by pre-designed themes. Every pixel is within your reach, without having to write a single line of code.


Webflow is renowned for the speed of its sites. Unlike Wordpress, where the accumulation of plugins can slow down your site, Webflow ensures optimal loading speed, a crucial advantage for SEO and user experience.


No third party plugins mean fewer vulnerabilities. Webflow manages end-to-end security, protecting your site from common attacks that can affect Wordpress sites.

CMS flexibility

With Webflow, you have total control over your content structures, allowing you to create custom post types easily.

The key differences between the two platforms.

The learning curve

Although Wordpress is known for its simplicity, Webflow requires a bit more time to master. However, this learning curve means unprecedented flexibility and personalization.

Plugin management

Where Wordpress relies heavily on plugins to extend its functionalities, Webflow integrates most of these functionalities natively. That means fewer updates, fewer conflicts, and most importantly, fewer security concerns.

Design approach

Wordpress is mostly based on themes, while Webflow prioritizes designing from scratch. This is an opportunity to create a truly unique site.


While Wordpress is free (excluding costs related to certain plugins and themes), Webflow, on the other hand, has pricing plans clear that encompass hosting and features.

Preparing to migrate from Wordpress to Webflow

If you're about to embark on a trip, one of the first things you need to do is check that all of your valuables are safe. In the same way, before starting to migrate your site from Wordpress to Webflow, it is imperative to back up your entire Wordpress site. It's a bit like travel insurance for your website!

Backup your Wordpress site

Safety above all

Just as you wouldn't leave your house without locking the door, you should never make major changes to your site without having a full backup copy. Mistakes happen, and a full backup is your best safety net.

Data integrity

You've invested time and effort into creating your content. Backing up ensures that every blog post, image, and comment is preserved, even in the event of the unexpected.

Ease of mind

Knowing that you have a complete copy of your site can greatly reduce the stress associated with migration. This allows you to work with confidence, knowing that even if something goes wrong, you have the means to restore your site to its previous state.

How to back up the database and files of your Wordpress site

Use of plugins

UpdraftPlus: This popular plugin allows you to back up and restore your site with ease. Once activated, go to “Settings”, then “UpdraftPlus Backups” and click “Back Up Now.” You can even automate your backups and store them in cloud solutions like Google Drive or Dropbox.

Manually via cPanel


1. Log in to your cPanel.

2. Under the “Databases” section, click on “phpMyAdmin”.

3. Select your site's database.

4. Click on “Export” and choose the “SQL” format. Then click “Run” to download your database.

Site files:

1. Still in cPanel, go to “File Manager.”

2. Navigate to your site's main directory (often called “public_html”).

3. Select all files and folders, right-click, and choose “Compress” to create a zip archive.

4. Once the archive is created, download it to your computer.

Backing up your Wordpress site is a crucial step that you should not overlook. Make sure to do this regularly, especially before major changes like a migration. This not only protects your work but also provides invaluable peace of mind.

Buying a new domain or transferring an old one

When it comes to site migration, one of the first things to talk about is the domain. It's the virtual address of your business, brand, or blog. Ensuring that this transition goes off without a hitch is critical.

How do I buy a new domain name?

1. Identify your needs

Before diving into the purchase, take a moment to think about what name you want. Is it easy to remember? Is it relevant to your content or brand?

2. Use a reliable registrar

Platforms like GoDaddy, Namecheap, or Google Domains offer a user-friendly user interface and search tools to check the availability of the desired domain.

3. Buying process

- Search for the desired domain name.

- If available, add it to your basket.

- Proceed to checkout and follow the instructions to complete the purchase.

- Also, be sure to enable WHOIS protection to protect your personal information from prying eyes.

How to transfer an existing domain name

1. Prepare your current domain

- Unlock the domain at your current registrar.

- Get the EPP code or authorization code, required for the transfer.

2. Initiate the transfer

- Go to the registrar you want to transfer to.

- Select the domain transfer option and enter the domain name you want to transfer.

- Enter the EPP code when prompted

- Follow the instructions provided by the new registrar to complete the transfer. This may include email confirmation.

3. Wait

Domain transfer can take anywhere from a few hours to several days. Check your inbox for any confirmations or notifications.

Choice of accommodation

Webflow, unlike other platforms, integrates hosting solutions into its offer. This greatly simplifies the process for users.

The hosting options available for Webflow

1. Basic hosting: Great for simpler projects, like portfolios or personal blogs. You get solid performance without too many frills.

2. Professional hosting: Designed for businesses, it offers higher performance and supports larger volumes of traffic.

3. Hosting for e-commerce: Specially designed for online stores, it integrates essential tools and functionalities for e-commerce.

4. Corporate hosting: Offers high-end performance, enhanced security, and priority support for large-scale projects.

Exporting Wordpress data

1. How to export data from the Wordpress database

- Access your Wordpress dashboard: Go to “Tools” then “Export”.

- Choose the type of content: Wordpress allows you to export articles, pages, comments, etc. Select “All content” for a complete export.

- Click on “Download export file.” This will generate an XML file containing all of your content.

2. Export files from the Wordpress site:

- Use an FTP client like FileZilla to access files on your site.

- Navigate to the root directory (usually “public_html”).

- Select all files and folders and download them to your computer. Keep them in a safe place.

Importing data into Webflow

1. How to import data into Webflow:

- Prepare your file: Webflow prefers the CSV format. You might need a tool or service to convert your Wordpress XML file to CSV.

- In Webflow, go to your CMS Collection and click on “Import”.

- Upload your CSV file. Map the fields in your CSV file to the corresponding fields in Webflow.

- Validate the import.

2. How to import files into Webflow:

- Go to the Webflow Designer.

- For images, use the “Assets” panel to upload and manage your images. You can drag and drop your images directly here.

- For other files, like PDFs or documents, embed them directly into your design or add them as links.

Domain setup in Weblow

1. How to set up the domain name in Webflow:

- Buy or connect a domain: If you don't already have a domain for your Webflow project, you can buy one directly from Webflow. If not, get ready to connect your existing domain.

- In the Webflow dashboard, navigate to the “Hosting” section of your project.

- Under “Custom Domains,” click “Add Custom Domain.”

- Enter your domain name.

- Follow the instructions to update the DNS records at your domain provider. This will typically include editing or adding two CNAME records.

- Once the DNS records are updated, go back to Webflow and click “Verify” next to your domain.

- After verification, set up your primary domain and enable SSL for enhanced security.

Migration may seem complex, but by following these steps methodically, the process will be significantly smoother.

Customizing and testing the new site on Webflow

After overcoming the migration hurdle, you are now at the exciting stage of customizing your site on Webflow. It's a bit like redesigning your new home after moving. And like any major renovation, it's essential to test every nook and cranny to make sure everything is in place.

Customizing the site design in Webflow.

1. Explore models:

Webflow offers a variety of predefined templates to get your design off the ground. They can be a great starting point, especially if you are still in the process of discovering the tool.

2. Use the Webflow Designer:

- Structure and Layout: Start by defining the structure of your site with containers, grids, and divs. It's a bit like erecting the walls and foundations of your house.

- Stylization: Webflow offers unparalleled freedom to style each element. Change fonts, colors, spacings, borders, and more. Think of it as choosing the colors of your paint and furniture.

- Interactions and animations: Add a touch of interactivity to your site. With Webflow, you can create complex animations without writing a single line of code.

3. CMS integration:

If you have migrated managed articles or other content, use the Webflow CMS to style them. Create designs for blog posts, portfolios, or other dynamic content.

Test the site to make sure it's working properly.

1. Test the site on various devices:

- Desktop version: Make sure your site is displayed correctly on the big screens.

- Mobile: Adjust and test the responsiveness of the site on smartphones and tablets.

2. Check the site links:

Click on each link to make sure it goes where it should go, whether it's an internal page, a downloadable file, or an external site.

3. Test the forms:

If your site includes contact forms, newsletter signups, or other forms, fill them out to check that they work and that notifications are reaching you.

4. Optimize performance:

- Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to assess the loading speed of your site.

- Optimize as needed by compressing images, minimizing code, or using delayed loading for resources.

5. Gather feedback:

Before the official launch, share your site with colleagues, friends, or web professionals to get their feedback. They could spot things you missed.

Additional tips for optimizing the site after migration

1. SEO: Even if you've migrated, make sure all meta tags, descriptions, and URLs are optimized. Webflow offers great tools to refine your SEO.

2. Continuing education: Webflow is rich in features. Spend time exploring and learning about its capabilities, through tutorials or webinars.

3. Listen to your visitors: User feedback can be valuable. Integrate a feedback tool or a live chat to gather their feedback and constantly improve your site.

4. Regular updates: Like any digital tool, Webflow is evolving. Stay up to date with new features and updates to get the most out of the platform.

5. Performance monitoring: Use analytics tools to track traffic, conversion rates, and other critical KPIs. Adjust your strategy accordingly.

Migrate your site from Wordpress to Webflow with the Scroll agency

At Scroll, we are experts in site migration, ensuring a smooth transition from Wordpress to Webflow. Looking for a more flexible, efficient solution adapted to your needs? Let us guide you! Our Webflow agency has a dedicated team that is passionate about web optimization and ready to transform your online presence. If the prospect of a migration seems complex to you, Scroll is there to simplify each step for you. Do you have ambitions for your site? Entrust your project to us, and see it take off with Webflow! For any questions or to initiate your migration, do not hesitate to contact us!

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