How to launch your start-up with Bubble

No-code tools are becoming more and more popular because they make it easier and faster to do great things. Their advantages are numerous and are profitable for all structures, freelancers, small teams, large companies, etc. is one of those no-code tools that are getting a lot of attention at the moment and it can be very useful if you want to launch your start-up. How? We explain everything to you!

What is Bubble? is A no code app builder that allows users to create and design web applications without any coding. Bubble is based on the “no-code” principle, which means that a user can create a web application without having to learn to code. was founded in 2012 by a team of entrepreneurs and developers frustrated with the traditional web development process. They wanted to create a platform that would allow its users to create a web application, without having to learn to code. is a visual development platform that makes it easy to create web applications without code.'s drag-and-drop editor makes it possible to design and create web applications without any coding knowledge.

Why use Bubble to launch your start-up?

Do you want to ensure online visibility? Offer your customers services or products on a design and interactive web application? That's where Bubble can come in handy. The tool allows you to create applications with the same visibility as a website but much more dynamic and interactive with the user. The web app ensures you visibility on both mobile and desktop. The ideal element to get your start-up off the ground!

Why is Bubble an ideal tool to launch a start-up?

The benefits of Bubble

There are a number of reasons why is a great choice for start-ups.


First, it is an extremely powerful platform that offers a wide range of features and plugins to create complex web applications without having to write a line of code. This allows entrepreneurs to focus on their ideas and develop an application quickly, without having to learn to program or look for popular full-stack developers, just find a Bubble developer.


Second, Bubble is also a very flexible platform, which allows entrepreneurs to create an application exactly as they imagine it. Whether in terms of design or functionality.

Integrated hosting

Finally, your application is entirely hosted and managed by Bubble, which means you don't have to worry about technical infrastructure. Everything is centralized on Bubble and updated without any action on your part. is therefore an ideal tool for entrepreneurs looking to launch a start-up. It allows you to focus on the logic of your application, develop an application quickly, and create an application exactly as you imagine it.

Examples of start-ups that used no-code to get started.


Yes, we also started thanks to no-code! Our site is entirely developed on Webflow.

At Scroll, we mainly turn to start-ups, small businesses and SMEs to help them with their digital needs: creation of websites, web applications or even personalized tools. We use no-code technologies to offer complete and truly personalized solutions.

Most of our customers want to create a new website, a new graphic charter or work on their SEO. Some also need to develop specific tools that do not exist on the market.

Today, the use of no-code allows us to develop more quickly, more easily and to result in more personalized projects than most of our competitors.


Comet is a platform that connects freelancers and businesses. Its difference from the usual freelance platforms is its ability to offer companies freelancer profiles that are as close as possible to the project and to the company's values to create the perfect “match”.

The companies present their project to Comet and in less than 48 hours, Comet returns them a panel of carefully selected freelancers.

Comet took off thanks to no-code, its entire site having been developed with Bubble. Thanks to this, Comet was able to carry out more than 300 projects for more than 150 companies in 2017.

Lambda School

Lambda School is an online learning platform built around a very specific model. Students do not pay tuition in advance, but instead commit to paying 17% of their income for 2 years after finding their first job.

To successfully launch the startup, Lambda School used numerous no-code tools that allowed more people to participate in the automation and design of the project. To create, develop, and evolve the platform, Lambda School used Typeform, Webflow, Airtable, Zapier, Calendly, Retool, Retool, Salesforce, and more.

With Scroll, launch your start-up thanks to Bubble

As you may have guessed, at Scroll we like no-code. Our team is made up of various experts including Bubble developers who train The Bubble agency. Our team develops professional quality and tailor-made web applications to meet your needs. Tell us about your start-up and let's develop together on Bubble the web application that will take off your business! Do not hesitate to contact us!

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