How to generate traffic on your website?

Once you have created your website, the hardest part is still to be done: you need to attract visitors to it. But how do you do it? There are a multitude of different techniques: advertising, referencing, or even emailing. These are called acquisition levers. All have their own specificities and work differently. Let's discover together how to generate traffic on your website.

Generating traffic on your site: why?

First of all, a useful reminder: why do you want to attract visitors to your site?

A website costs money: buying a domain name, marketing tools, time spent on it... When you are a company, or even an individual, it is legitimate to seek to make these investments profitable. Whether your objective is to be read as much as possible or to sell products or services, you will need to have traffic to reach it.

Generating traffic means making an acquisition. Acquisition is the first step in the AARRR model, the model on which growth marketing is based. Without acquisition, the other steps cannot be triggered. Capturing traffic on your website is therefore the basis of any online business. A step not to be missed!

Generating traffic on your website: the different levers

To attract visitors to your site, there are several levers. All have their own specificities: some are chargeable, others free. They also allow you to attract different users. Internet users who come from LinkedIn are in fact not necessarily the same as those who come from Google. Let's study together the different levers to generate traffic on your website.

Natural referencing or SEO

The first lever we are going to talk about is natural referencing. Also called SEO, for Search Engine Optimization, it consists of appearing in the free Google results. This is a very powerful tool: every day, Google records millions of searches. Users then have two options: click on an advertisement or click on the natural results. Around 70% of them opt for the second option: SEO will therefore allow you to attract a very large number of Internet users.

To improve your natural referencing, you need to work on three aspects. First, the technique: make sure your site is viable, responsive and loads quickly. Then, the content: identify a strategic keyword for you, and determine which is the best page to go back to that term. Try to place this keyword and variations in the most important HTML elements of your page: textual content, title tag, meta-description, H1, H2 etc. Finally, you will need to make Google trust your site: this is the job of your popularity. To do this, your site will need to receive links from other websites: in the eyes of Google, this is an index of trust. In fact, if a site links to you, it means that it wants to send Internet users to you: it therefore trusts you. The greater the number of sites that trust, the more serious your credibility with Google will be.

Paid referencing or SEA

So SEO is an excellent way to generate traffic on a website. But it is a difficult lever, which can take time. If you want to appear in Google results in an instant, you can use SEA or paid search.

SEA is the lever for advertising on search engines. When you search on Google, you often find organic results and Shopping or Announcement results. To appear in these, you have to pay: these are advertisements.

SEA is beneficial because it allows you to buy any search term. You will therefore be able to appear in results that would be inaccessible to you via SEO. Plus, it's instant: you can appear immediately after you buy the term.

On the other hand, you will have to pay for each click. So plan a marketing budget adapted to your industry. Some requests can go up to several tens of euros with each click! It's up to you to identify the keywords that will therefore bring you a significant business without having to spend too much money. The concept of ROI is central in SEA.

Social networks

To maximize your digital presence, we advise you to create pages on the main social networks: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and why not Pinterest, TikTok or even others.

Having visibility on social networks will allow you to generate traffic on your website. If you're putting a new product online, for example, post it on your networks. The people who follow you will go and see what this new product is. If you publish a blog post, do the same: your community will tend to read your news.

Social networks are a free and reliable way to attract visitors to your site. On the other hand, they will often not be new visitors, but rather Internet users who already know you.

However, your posts will certainly be seen by new users, who do not yet follow your pages, and can therefore potentially attract new visitors. On some social networks, such as on Facebook, you can “boost” your publications, by paying, to increase their visibility.

Advertising on social networks

Social networks also offer the possibility of advertising. Whether you want to spread the word about your brand, or sell your products or services directly, this is an effective way to attract more traffic to your site.

Each network has its own rules and its own particularities. The formats are specific to everyone, but for everyone, be sure to take care of your images and texts.


Send emails to generate traffic to your site. Emailing generally requires that you have a mailing list ready: either it will be your own customers who have given you their email address, or a list of new prospects.

Tools like Sendinblue or Mailchimp allow you to set up campaigns of a certain size, to automate the sending of your marketing emails. A fast, effective and often inexpensive way to attract visitors!

Measuring website traffic

When you are trying to attract users and generate more traffic to your site, you need to measure the results of your actions. Without it, you're flying blind, and you don't know what worked. You must of course measure the number of visitors who arrive on your site, but also try to study their actions. Indeed, there is no point in attracting thousands of users who leave immediately, without being interested in your product. Commitment is an important factor in acquisition: without commitment, you are wasting your marketing budget.

Google Analytics

The best known solution on the market, to measure your performance, is undoubtedly Google Analytics. Free, simple to set up, it will allow you to monitor all the traffic on your website. Whether it's from Google, Facebook, and emails, you'll know where they're coming in, how long they stay, what pages they're viewing, and whether or not they're buying your products.

Test, learn, optimize

When you make an acquisition and want to generate traffic on your site, there is one golden rule: test and learn. Don't close doors for yourself: try as many levers as possible, and analyze which ones work the most. What levers offer you the best ratio between the number of visitors captured and the budget spent?

Once you have reached this conclusion, you can focus on the most effective lever (s). Optimize them to improve their performance. The help of experts can be invaluable: they will give you advice that will allow you to improve your ROI.

Generate traffic on your website with Scroll

Scroll is a web agency specialized in no-code. We support our customers through all their digital issues: low-cost website creation, task automation, digital presence...

If you want to improve the traffic of your site, do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we will look at the options available to you, to decide which ones will be the most relevant.

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