Woopah : The art of communicating with audacity and agility

Woopah : The art of communicating with audacity and agility

Woopah, a communication agency founded in May 2021 by Coline and Shana, asked Scroll in March of the same year to design and develop a website that lived up to its quirky and innovative image. The aim was to create an online presence that reflected the agency's unique personality and was in line with its bold slogan: “Agile and smart.”

Communication agency
Stack :

The main mission was to develop a complete brand image, corresponding to the positioning of the agency. It was crucial to create an offbeat visual identity, in harmony with Woopah's values of transparency, agility and trust. The problem lay in the need to translate these elements into the branding, banners and layout of the future site while respecting the slogan “Agile and cheeky”.


The first step was creating the branding. The logo was designed to allow for animations, thus reflecting the dynamism of the agency. The banners, animated to add interactivity to the site, were developed with an offbeat and fun approach. The model, resulting from the branding, served as the basis for the development of the site. Webflow was chosen as a platform for its flexibility and SEO optimization.


The animated logo managed to capture the essence of the agency, offering a unique visual experience. The banners, which are also animated, add an interactive touch to the site. The model was used as a guide to create a platform that accurately represents Woopah. The showcase site, developed on Webflow, offers fluid and dynamic navigation, highlighting the agency's skills through USE CASES and a blog. Woopah can now boast a quirky and original online presence, in line with its “Agile and smart” identity.

on GT Metrix

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