What is SaaS application development?

SaaS application development is a growing market. SaaS applications support businesses on a daily basis in their various needs and respond to a major challenge: mobility. Before embarking on the development of these applications, it is important to understand what SaaS is and what its advantages are. Through this article,Scroll Agency explains everything about SaaS application development, its benefits and how to get started!

What is SaaS application development?

SaaS is the abbreviation for “Software as a service” which in French means “software as a service”. A SaaS application is an application hosted online that does not need to be installed on a computer or other medium. It is therefore accessible from anywhere, simply thanks to an internet connection and a browser.

For several years, the SaaS application model has greatly exceeded the classic model of software to be installed on your computer.

The benefits of developing SaaS applications?

The development of SaaS applications owes its success to the numerous advantages it offers, both for businesses and for customers.

The benefits of SaaS applications for businesses

Users start using the app quickly. Since no download or installation is required to use the application, the user can start using the application very quickly. Getting started is then much easier and faster than if you had to download and install software. It therefore makes it possible to considerably increase the number of users.

Invoicing is simple and automatic. SaaS applications operating in most cases in the form of online subscriptions. Billing is automatically generated according to each subscription and payment is made online like any purchase on the internet.

Lower development costs. A SaaS application consists of a single main block to which functionalities will be added in the form of options according to the needs of the customer. Unlike software that needs to be installed, it is not necessary to create several separate versions. This will therefore make it possible to save money on the development of the application.

The benefits of SaaS applications for customers

An up to date application. The customer no longer needs to worry about updating their application. Since SaaS applications are hosted online, the application is always kept up to date by the developers. All users get the same version of the app at the same time without having to download or install updates.

The resources used. SaaS applications do not use the customer's hardware resources. Since the application is hosted entirely online, it is the host who provides the power to make the application work. The necessary hardware resources are then much more accessible for the customer.

A price adapted to specific needs. Thanks to the payment method in the form of a subscription with functionalities to be selected, the customer can adapt the offer precisely to his needs. More precisely, it can adapt its offer to the number of users it needs as well as to the functionalities. This allows the customer to save money since he does not have to write off any investments.

The flexibility of the offer. SaaS applications offer customers a certain amount of flexibility. Depending on the offer, the customer may have the ability to add or remove users or features from their subscription at any time.

Mobility. The development of SaaS applications is an asset for mobility. Apps can be accessed from anywhere, anytime. The customer can be in the office, on the go, working from home, on a living room, the application will always be accessible from any device.

Examples of SaaS applications

Here are some examples of SaaS applications that you have already used in business or that you are probably familiar with:


Webflow is an application developed in SaaS that allows you to create a website without writing a single line of code. Webflow offers affordable offers that allow start-ups that do not have a very large budget to create a website easily and quickly. You can create a showcase site as well as an e-commerce site and you will find a large number of different templates to get started.

Like many no-code tools, on Webflow, development is based on the principle of drag-and-drop via a very visual graphical interface.


At Scroll, we are no-code specialists and Webflow is one of our main tools. We use it daily to create and improve our customers' websites. This is why we have even put together a unique offer, to create design sites more quickly and in a more flexible way for our customers: the Webflow agency.


Salesforce CRM is an example of a SaaS application that is very well known and widely used in business. It is a fully cloud-based application that helps businesses collaborate with their customers. It offers very powerful customer management solutions.


Slack is a SaaS application for real-time messaging. Increasingly used in businesses, Slack allows team discussions via channels, video conferencing and the sending of instant messages. A very powerful tool for team collaboration on any type of project.


Canva is a SaaS application dedicated to graphic creation. It allows you to easily create presentations, logos and many other graphic elements. It includes templates, icons, and images to help create.

The Scroll agency accompanies you without the development of your SaaS application

Do you want to create a SaaS application for your business? At Scroll, we specialize in the development of no-code web applications. If you have a SaaS application project, whether it is a creation or a redesign, the members of our teams will be able to support you to offer you tailor-made solutions, to be developed with you. Whether it is for your small business or your SME, contact us to explain your project to us and find out more!

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