E-commerce no-code: what tools should you use for your site?

The e-commerce world is evolving at an incredible speed, and many businesses are looking to adapt quickly to remain competitive. This is where “no-code e-commerce” comes in, offering businesses the ability to easily create and manage their site without having to understand the overly technical details that come with it.

In other words, with “no-code e-commerce”, you need much less web development knowledge to create a professional site and sell online. It's an incredible opportunity for businesses of all sizes to get started in e-commerce with a lot less worry about technical challenges.

Over the past few years, the use of no-code has grown exponentially, and it has become an indispensable solution for businesses looking to expand quickly online. In this article, let's discover a selection of no-code tools available on the market and useful for e-commerce.

To create your e-commerce site in no-code

Whether you want to develop a website or a web application to sell online, there are several no-code tools to achieve this, here are our two favorites at Scroll:

Webflow, for a website

Webflow is one of the most popular tools for creating a no-code e-commerce site. With its offer Webflow e-commerce, it offers an intuitive and powerful visual design interface, allowing you to easily design and develop your e-commerce site without special coding knowledge.

The advantage of Webflow for e-commerce

One of the key benefits of Webflow is its flexibility. You can completely customize your site according to your needs, using templates or creating your own from scratch. Webflow also offers a range of powerful e-commerce features, such as integration with online payments, inventory management, and order management.

By using Webflow, you have the ability to monitor and analyze the performance of your site in real time, thanks to integrated monitoring and analysis tools. This helps you understand how your visitors interact with your site, which then allows you to make decisions to improve the user experience.

Bubble, for a web app

Bubble is another popular no-code tool, but this time for creating an e-commerce web app. Bubble is known for its ease of use and its power, offering a no-code development platform for businesses looking to create a web application.

The advantage of Bubble for e-commerce

With Bubble, you can quickly develop and launch your e-commerce site, using a visual interface to create pages and features. In the same way as Webflow, Bubble offers a full range of e-commerce functionalities, such as online payment integration, order management, and inventory management.

The biggest advantages of Bubble are its power and flexibility that allow you to easily develop and customize your e-commerce site according to your needs. The tool also offers plugins and integrations with other popular tools and services, such as social networks, messaging services, and payment systems.

For customer management and the creation of a CRM


Airtable is a no-code tool that can be used to manage customers and create a CRM for your business. This tool is designed to provide you with a fast and easy data management experience while keeping all important information at your fingertips.

With Airtable, you can easily create databases to store information about your customers, such as contact information, previous purchases, and support history. Additionally, you can use Airtable to track tasks and opportunities, using tables and views to visualize and organize your data.

The advantages of Airtable for e-commerce

Simplify customer management: Airtable makes it easy for you to store and manage customer information.

Easily create a CRM: Airtable allows you to easily create a CRM to track interactions with your customers.

Customize your databases: Airtable allows you to customize your databases according to your needs.

Easy to use: Airtable is easy to use, even if you don't have any software development experience.

Real-time collaboration: Airtable allows real-time collaboration with your teams to easily manage customer information.

For the automation of e-commerce processes and tasks

Make (Integromat)

Make is a no-code tool that automates e-commerce processes and tasks. It allows you to connect and synchronize different tools and services to simplify repetitive tasks and improve business efficiency.

With Make, you can automate tasks like managing orders, emailing customers, updating inventory, invoicing, and much more. You can also define scenarios to customize your automations according to your needs.

The advantages of Make (Integromat) for e-commerce

Save time: Make allows you to automate repetitive tasks, saving you a lot of time and effort.

Improve efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks, Make helps you improve the efficiency of your business.

Customize your automations: Make is very flexible and allows you to customize your automations according to your needs.

Connect different tools and services: Make allows you to connect and sync different tools and services to simplify tasks and improve productivity.

Easy to use: Make is easy to use, even if you don't have any development experience.

Create your e-commerce site in no-code with the Scroll agency!

At Scroll, no-code is our specialty! Our no-code developers master the best tools on the market to offer you tailor-made solutions. Thanks to tools like Webflow, Bubble, Airtable and Make we develop e-commerce sites with you that perfectly meet your needs. If you have a project do not hesitate to contact our No-code agency !

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